Nevada - Page 3 of 14

  • garden bed with cacti and succulents from Mexico

    Plants from Mexico for the Southwest

    The American Southwest has indelible ties to Mexico that run even deeper than its architecture, food, and culture. Many of the literal roots of our gardens can trace their lineage…

  • growing echeverias

    How to Grow Echeverias

    The inward spiral of rosette-forming plants always seems to draw us in. From Romanesco broccoli to golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii, Zones 9–12), many plants grow with mathematical precision that…

  • easy-to-grow wildflowers for the Southwest

    Easy-to-Grow Native Wildflowers for the Southwest

    Brilliant wildflower displays are legendary in much of the Southwest, but they don’t occur every year. In fact, a widespread display only happens about once every ten years or so.…

  • nectar plants for hummingbirds

    Winter Nectar Plants for Hummingbirds in the Southwest

    There’s something magical about a garden graced with hummingbirds. As they dart between flowers and zip by at impossible speeds, they’re letting you know you’ve done something right. The Southwest,…

  • plant with purple flowers

    Plants With Purple Flowers for the Southwest

    Texas sage is one of the most distinctive native shrubs in the Southwest, blooming periodically throughout the year but dazzling in summer and fall. Purple is for everyone, and especially…

  • early spring flowers southwest

    Late-Winter and Early-Spring Bloomers for the Southwest

    In Jason Reeves' article Plants That Bloom in Late Winter or Early Spring, he discusses how plants that bloom during the coldest time of the year, often go underappreciated: "Some…

  • agaves in a southwest garden

    Plants That Can Grow in Both the High Desert and the Low Desert

    Not all plants thrive everywhere, especially in a region as diverse as the Southwest. Elevation, hardiness zone, and even where you site a plant in your yard all converge to…

  • native shrub in fall

    3 Native Shrubs With Fall Interest for the Southwest

    Just when the heat and dryness of a Southwestern summer are starting to get to you, fall brings some respite. The plus side of living in such a warm region…

  • Salmon Queen echinopsis

    Growing Echinopsis in the Southwest

    Echinopsis (Echinopsis spp. and cvs., Zones 8b–12), also called sea urchin cacti, have an allure that can sidetrack your better judgment. This genus is widespread in central South America and…

  • Prairie Zinnia

    Unusual Fall Perennials for the Southwest

    In Andy Brand's article Unusual Fall Perennials, he discusses some out-of-the-box plant picks for this spectacular time in the garden: "As we reluctantly accept the inevitable and begin preparing our…