Garden Photo of the Day

Visiting Sylvia’s Garden

Fall beauty in Canada

terra-cotta urn in the middle of various colored ground covers

Cherry Ong is a frequent GPOD contributor, sharing both her own beautiful garden and those she visits on her travels. But she also helps out in her friend Sylvia’s garden in Richmond, British Columbia. Here’s a previous post about helping in Sylvia’s garden: Cherry Helps a Friend Plant a Fabulous Garden.

Today we’re looking at some shots Cherry took while visiting Sylvia in early October.

small garden bed with colorful foliage plantsAll the foliage looks good in this bed. The Rodgersia ‘Chocolate Wings’ (Zones 5–7) and Japanese umbrella pine (Sciadopitys verticillata, Zones 5–8) originally were growing in pots in Cherry’s garden but were moved here as they got bigger. They look great and are thriving in their new homes.

terra-cotta urn in the middle of various colored ground coversA beautiful terra-cotta urn—also a loaner from Cherry’s garden—makes a great accent to a carpet of diverse foliage.

You can see why the Japanese umbrella pine had to move from a pot to this garden! Growing special trees and shrubs in pots for a few years and then moving them into the ground can be a great way to highlight them when small and allow let them to reach their full potential when they outgrow their pots.

close up of shiny multi-colored foliageFall foliage isn’t always about bright colors, but there is still a lot of beauty if you stop to look at it.

close up of curling leaves on Cornus sanguineaCornus sanguinea ‘Compressa’ (Zones 4–9) is a compact, upright-growing selection, with the most incredible thick-textured leaves.

close up of bright yellow grasses and other colorful foliage plantsI love the interaction between this Acaena inermis ‘Purpurea’ ground cover and the bright variegated Acorus garmineus (Zones 5–9). They work perfectly together and leave no room for weeds to grow.

three container plantings with pink flowers in front of a garageThe use of a lot of shrubs and evergreen perennials as well as annuals ensures this planting just keeps looking good.

red-hot poker with yellow flowersA red-hot poker (Kniphofia, Zones 6–9) is still putting out cheery yellow flower spikes.

container planting with dark purple grass and white and pink flowersHere’s another planter that still looks great. I love the way the color of the pot matches the rich foliage of the purple grass.

hanging basket with silver foliage and dark purple flowersThis last photo was taken during the summer. The container was my birthday gift to Sylvia, and I just wanted to show everyone what a terrific job she did to nurture it. The petunia is Petunia ‘Black Velvet’ (Zones 10–11 or as an annual), and the Tradescantia is ‘Pistachio White’ (Zones 10–11 or as an annual). They’re combined with dark sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas, Zones 10–11 or as an annual), which looks incredible against silvery dusty miller (Jacobaea maritima, Zones 7–10 or as an annual) and long trailing silver dichondra (Dichondra argentea, Zones 8–10 or as an annual).


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

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View 4 comments


  1. [email protected] 11/30/2023

    Really love the combination of the birthday basket, great job keeping it looking so wonderful.

    1. perenniallycrazy 11/30/2023

      Thank you. I was very happy Sylvia loved it!

  2. btucker9675 11/30/2023

    Really lovely garden and I love seeing things that have been transplanted from pots. I moved a fig into the ground this year after 2 years in a large pot and am excited to see if it takes off. The textures and foliage shapes in this garden are great.

    1. perenniallycrazy 12/01/2023

      Thank you. I do hope your fig takes off and that you can show it off here on GPOD when it does (along with the rest of your garden). Happy Holidays!

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