The Dirt

Todmorden: The Town Where You’re Allowed to Eat the Park

Would you eat this cabbage if it was grown for anyone and everyone at a local park?
Photo/Illustration: Chris McLaughlin
Would you eat this cabbage if it was grown for anyone and everyone at a local park?
Photo/Illustration: Chris McLaughlin

How would you feel if your mayor, selectperson, or whatever it is that governs your hometown asked you to help yourself to some cabbages growing on a vacant commercial lot? The residents of Tomorden, England were given that luxury not long ago when a group of town luminaries came up with a briliiant plan to plant up unsused and empty public spaces with edible plants, which are thereafter up for grabs by any passerby. Interesting concept, right? I’ll stop blogging and let you listen to Pam Warhurst, co-founder of the Incredible Edible program in Todmorden. She eloquently explains the project in the video below, courtesy of the wonderful TED program.

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