Garden Photo of the Day

The flower gardens at Old Westbury

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

The flower gardens at Old Westbury Gardens are a study in symmetry and formality. Here are a few scenes of the late summer beds and their surrounding structures.

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click to enlarge
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais


Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

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READER PHOTOS: We love featuring your photos, too. If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us. Send hi-res images if possible. We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.

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  1. tractor1 10/07/2011

    I don't know how else to say this but the photographer needs a better digicam or needs to learn how to use it... those pictures have gorgeous subject matter but the resolution is awful... a cell phone cam produces crisper images. I've noticed this for a while but until now didn't say anything but now I have... flame away. I would strongly suggest putting that camera back to its factory settings... phone the camera manufacturer and the techie will gladly instruct... then use the Auto setting only and do not use any custom settings unless/until becoming proficient. And invest in a tripod. It's a shame to have lost all those photo opportunities.

  2. SurlyJo 10/07/2011

    I love the overflowing symmetry of Edwardian era gardens. They seem to be orderly and chaotic at the same time. I'm glad that the caretakers of these gardens stuck to that same design to keep with the era of the house and grounds. It reminds me of an Edith Wharton novel!

  3. MichelleGervais 10/07/2011

    I understand your frustration with the image resolution. Until about 6 months ago we didn't even have the current functionality on our websites that enlarges the images when you click on them, so readers were unable to view the fine details in images at all. Though the blog posts allow image file sizes up to 4MB, there is a built-in limitation of 800-1200 pixels for width and height. Most days, I need to reduce the size (and quality) of the photos by at least 65%. This image-size limitation is one of the projects our developers are working towards eliminating (since our magazines and websites focus on details and high-quality images)--hopefully, we'll be able to roll out this upgrade before the year is out.

  4. solana1234 10/07/2011

    Do you ever have anything nice to say about anything. Perhaps if you ventured outdoors into a garden once in a while instead of trolling sites on your computer you might not be so crabby.

  5. user-7006885 10/07/2011

    Well, I for one, think that the photographs look great. After all, we don't need detailed photographs to get the general impression and ideas for utilizing design elements in our gardens.

    Most gardeners will be familiar enough with plants to figure out what that pink thing in the back is and won't need finely focused photographs to enlighten them. And if information about a particular plant is desired then one can always ask and most likely get a reply.

    These are beautiful. How nice to have those wonderful backdrops of gazebos and detailed stone or brick walls to work with. These pictures give you a good idea of plants that can be utilized to have abundant flowering at the tail end of the gardening year.

    Keep it up Michele.

  6. valleygardener 10/07/2011

    It matters not to me about the resolution because the essence of this grand garden was inspirational to me. I am reworking a mixed bed and the top photo was just the vibe I want to create in the border. Thank you for a great photo design inspiration.

  7. user-7006900 10/07/2011

    A wonderfully romantic garden! I especially like the garden wall walk. And the green/blue gazebo!

    Where is it located?

  8. tractor1 10/08/2011

    mgervais - Thank you for your explanation. I'm hoping your awaited improvements come to be... I appreciate all your efforts.

    For those who don't appreciate honest constructive criticism I feel very sad for you. And for anyone who doesn't believe that I garden you couldn't be more wrong. I work very hard tending to a lovely piece of north Catskill acreage, with many interesting settings and rare plantings that I do my best to keep natural and in harmony with the native wildlife. I have literally thousands of photographs that I'd be happy to share. Here is a recent one that I was very lucky to grab from my back deck right after Irene, the wind was strong and the clouds scuding blocked the sun in an instant, I didn't get a second shot.

    For anyone who doesn't want me to participate here just say so and you'll never hear from me again... I don't make personal attacks and I don't appreciate them.

    Best regards,

  9. lovemyyard 10/08/2011

    to go to Old Westbury Gardens is to love it!!!! aS gardeners we may not all want a formal garden, however we can appreciate it and all the thought that it takes to plan and plant such a wonderful space. BRAVO!

  10. pattyspencer 11/11/2011

    Haven't decided whether or not I like this for some reason. And Tractor1 - I liked your photo you took. You should start a photo blog or something - I'd like to see more pics.

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