Garden Photo of the Day

Terie’s New York garden in fall

Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

We’ve visited Terie’s garden in upstate New York several times (refresh your memory HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE). It’s worth every single mention, because it’s stunning! I’m so happy that Terie sent in photos of what’s going on up there in fall.

Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

She says, “Having enjoyed all the autumn gardens displayed, I would like to pass along a piece of central New York. We’ve entered my favorite season, so with camera in hand I stalk the backyard as well as the Finger Lakes region. Leaves are falling faster than I can snap and vistas change daily. Without the pressure of keeping up with my gardens, this time of year is a gift that I treasure.

Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

“The largest ornamental grasses provide 3-season interest and shelter for winter birds when they bow under the weight of heavy snowfall. Monkshood’s timely blossom adds punch to our autumn palette. Oakleaf hydrangea never fails to thrill me; from it’s beautiful flowers, to the variety of fall leaf color.

Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

“My husband built the pond-deck last June. Can I just tell you how many times I’ve put my feet up under the shade of those maples? MANY! From those chairs we view the backside of the Garden Cottage (across the pond) that he built 6 years ago. A porcelain vine climbs the corner and is pruned each spring. The stone path exits the backyard and leads past the cottage to a grassy opening with our pond.

Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

“Bluebirds recently returned to partake of sumac that dot the landscape. From the front porch we gaze in wonder at the ever-changing sky, shadows that are cast by clouds, wildlife, and our view of Ithaca.”

Gorgeous, Terie!

Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn
Photo: Courtesy of Terie Rawn

** Hey all, I have a new email address for photo submissions. Having everyone send it to my everyday account was filling up my inbox with hundreds of megabytes of photos, and the “Your Mailbox Is Almost Full” notices were getting a bit obnoxious. So, from now on, email photos to [email protected]. Easy! ***

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View 22 comments


  1. bugiba 10/24/2012

    Hello my dear
    My name is Joy I am a girl single and never married, please contact me
    back in my e-mail address [email protected] and I will give you my picture and further details thanks.

  2. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/24/2012

    Always a pleasure to see your beautiful garden and wonderful photos. the shot of the bluebirds on the sumac is awesome!

  3. mainer59 10/24/2012

    What wonderful photography of a gorgeous garden. The second photo down on the right column looks like a painting. How do you find the time to put your feet up? Your garden looks so well cared for. Some of us are letting ours go by now, but with yours everything still looks perfect. I, too, love the late blooming blue monkshood (carmichaeli) and look forward to mine becoming a larger plant like yours is.

  4. tree_ee 10/24/2012

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS! I do so miss fall colors down here in TX.

    BTW, let's all sign bugiba up for lots of spam emails today.

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    meander_michaele 10/24/2012

    What can I say, Terie, except that your garden is Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah beautiful and truly blessed to be visited by bluebirds. It's so nice to read that you and your talented husband take the time to sit by that totally picturesque pond and just soak up some rays and serenity.

  6. Daisy64 10/24/2012

    I am so envious of your garden Terie. I have a hard time keeping up in the garden and yours looks so picture perfect. Love to see more.

  7. sewhot290 10/24/2012

    This is so beautiful. You have given joy to all of us with your beautiful garden.

  8. thegardenlady 10/24/2012

    Ditto, Tree_ee. Having spent many years in upstate NY, I truly miss those glorious autumn days. It is still hot and humid summer in Houston. These photos are a welcome reminder. Do you know your first shot with the stone path looks a rolling creek to early morning unfocused eyes, a nice effect. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing. You are wise to enjoy putting your feet up and appreciate the beauty surrounding you.

  9. Wife_Mother_Gardener 10/24/2012

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Terie.

  10. jagardener 10/24/2012

    I live in the tropical zone and Garden Photo of the Day is a wonderful way for me to enjoy and share -and sometimes with envy -the beauty of other zones. Thank you Michelle.

  11. janetsfolly 10/24/2012

    Those bluebirds are just further proof that I must plant sumac! Anyone have suggestions on obtaining plants or seeds?
    Terie, your place is a lovely montage...thanks so much for the inspiration.

  12. pattyspencer 10/24/2012

    Gorgeous! Love the shot of the birds. What is that blue flower??

  13. tractor1 10/24/2012

    Fall in NYS is my favorite time of year too, signals that the heavy yard work is over and I get to enjoy all the changing colors as my trees begin their hibernation. It's been raining constantly here in the Catskills the past six weeks and more rain coming this week but there was enough of a break the past two days for me to get in my last mowing of the year... and just in the nick of time as it began raining while I was putting the tractor back in the barn. I like Terie's blue slate walk, offers an interesting effect and the bluebirds look great on the sumac. And the reflecting pond is fantastic. Thank you, Terie.

  14. terieLR 10/24/2012

    Hi all, It's raining here today ~ a great day to bake pumpkin pies and enjoy the outside from within. The tree colors remaining are deep oranges, golds and rust. They are set off beautifully by the darkend tree bark.

    Although pictures give the impression of perfection, I am here to tell you that my gardens are far from it. By using ground covers that have willingly filled in and much mulch added every other year, I have been able to cut down on the maintenance.

    A secret to taking that time-out... place a sitting area far enough from the needy garden so you are not looking closely at what calls for your attention. :) I also bring along my garden journal & binoculars to watch the birds. Thank you all for taking the moments to view and comment. Happy Autumn from our woodland.

  15. humbleearthgarden 10/24/2012

    Stunningly Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. pattyspencer 10/24/2012

    What is that blue flower in the 2nd down left side picture? Anyone know? Looks like a blue Foxglove but don't know if Foxglove comes in blue.

    It's really really pretty and to flower this time of year is awesome.

  17. Aarchman07030 10/24/2012

    Reading this installment of 'Garden Photo of the day' in my office in NYC, I was unexpectedly transported back to my days as an undergrad and grad student in Ithaca, NY--roaming the Cornell Plantations and the woods around my house in Varna, NY with my beloved dog Max. The terrain and the flora of the region is un-mistakable. But photo no 8--with Cornell in the distance--almost made me dizzy with nostalgia. It may be time to take Max's grand-son for a trip to the old stomping grounds... Thanks, Terie. And congratulations on your beautiful gardens!

  18. terieLR 10/24/2012

    Hi pattyspencer. The deep blue/purple flower is monkshood ~ carmichaeli. I bought it 8 years ago for that very reason. It's the last perennial to bloom in my garden.

    Aarchman! Bring Max's grandson-dog over the hills! Our beloved Theo (Labrador)used to walk daily with us in the woods. He's been gone 8 years and I still miss his help with the leaf raking. Well... if you can call snatching the tarp and running away, help. :)

  19. greengrowler 10/24/2012

    Almost missed viewing today's post - glad I logged on at the last minute! Terie, as another season passes, there is more to love in your spectacular garden - I could sit by that pond for hours! What a treat to end the day.

  20. MizScarlet 10/24/2012

    I,too,almost missed today's pictures. I'm glad I didn't. Thanks for sharing your amazingly beautiful garden. I'm looking forward to seeing similar color on my oakleaf hydrangeas a little later.

  21. pattyspencer 10/25/2012

    Thanks Terie! Just love them!

  22. sheila_schultz 10/25/2012

    I just realized that I never had a chance to check yesterday's GPOD... drat! Terie, I do hope you catch this very late post. Seeing photos of your gardens always put me in a very good place. I may be seeing your fall photos a day late, but they sure do make me happy. Your gardens are beyond beautiful and your photography is worthy of a well-loved coffee table book. Enjoy the winter's rest without a hose attached to your back, you will be in my thoughts.

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