Kitchen Gardening

Succession Planting Guide for Spinach

A good way to lengthen the harvest of this tasty green involves a combination of varieties and a nearly year-round approach to planting.

Photo/Illustration: Cary Hazelgrove

by Lucy Apthorp Leske
April 1997
from issue #8

In this chart, 0 is the last frost date. Weeks 8 to 18, midsummer, are too hot to sow spinach.

Suggested cold-tolerant spinach varieties: ‘Melody’, ‘Tyee’

Suggested bolt-resistant spinach varieties: ‘Indian Summer’, ‘Steadfast’, ‘Bloomsdale’

weeks before last frost date                 too
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Cold-tolerant varieties* (sow indoors, transplant)                                  
        Cold-tolerant varieties* (sow directly into soil)                          
              Bolt-resistant varieties (sow directly into soil, protect with row cover)                    
                  Bolt-resistant varieties (sow directly into soil, protect with row cover)                   
                                Cold-tolerant varieties (sow indoors in week 18, transplant)       
                                          Cold-tolerant varieties** (sow directly into soil, mulch with hay)  

* First and second plantings are started indoors or in cold frames
** The last planting is wintered over until spring.

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