The Dirt

Stay the *bleep* away from my peas!

Photo/Illustration: Danielle Sherry
Photo/Illustration: Danielle Sherry

If I actually get to harvest any snow peas this year, it will be nothing short of a miracle.

Rearing them has been a struggle from the start. First, thinking I was smart, I decided to sow my pea seeds early–inside–in the hopes of possibly harvesting a crop much sooner than last year. (It was July before I actually saw one darn pea on any of my plants). So, they got leggy, stretched too far, and got slightly scorched by my grow light.

No worries, though, “peas are tougher than you think” everyone here at the office reassured me. Then I decided to harden them off, and inadvertently left them outside during a torrential rainstorm. Once they stopped floating, I thought it would be best to put them into the garden immediately, before I got another chance to kill them.

All was peaceful in the world of peas for a few days, until I heard a commotion outside the other morning and peered through my window to see a flock of geese plucking the seedlings out of the ground. Are you kidding me? !@#$%$^%$@! I ran outside, in my pajamas, screaming obscenities and flailing my arms to scare the marauders out of the garden. In my rage, I failed to notice my next door neighbor standing outside with her small children, waiting for the bus. Don’t think their family will be attending our Christmas party this year.

Does anyone else feel like it’s going to be a really long gardening season?

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  1. MichelleGervais 05/15/2009

    Did you really take that picture? I don't believe you took that picture. It's too darned funny!!!

  2. Cheri524 05/23/2009

    I too was looking forward to Sweet Peas for the 1st time this year, finally. However, I live in southern Nevada where the summer temp. get up to 115 degrees at times. This is something I felt I can get around if I just kept trying. So this year I also started my sweet peas from seed inside early. Feb 14. I knew I would need to get them in the ground as soon as possible to beat the summer high temp. I planted them too early into the ground so I could give them that growing time they needed. It's May 22 and it's gotten to 100 degrees at least 3 days already. Above 90 degrees more days than I can count already. Remember,
    this is only May 22. The sweet peas are 3 feet tall and smell beautiful, all 6 flowers that set before it got too hot to grow anymore, until fall. This is as far as I have ever gotten with them. If I can keep them alive during the summer, shade them, make sure I tend the water balance. As everywhere that balance is important, but here, 1/2 day can turn anything into crispy, dead stems. But at least I finally got to smell the wonderful scent from 6 flowers and look forward to more in the fall. But it is going to be a really long summer. Good luck to you.

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