Garden Photo of the Day

Springtime flowers in Nancy’s garden in Oregon

Snowdrops blooming around the burgundy winter leaves of Bergenia 'Rotblum'. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

We’re still shivering over here on the east coast, and the midwest just got hammered by snow, But it’s full-on spring in Oregon! I think Nancy Sarpola in Corvallis wants to help us survive the last few weeks of winter, so she sent us these beautiful photos. 

A double spotted hellebore (worth bending over to see the inside of this one!). Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

She says, “If everyone is ready for spring, I have some photos taken in the last month here in Oregon where our winter has been fairly mild and things are beginning to bloom. Hooray for Spring!”

Pieris ‘Valley Valentine’ (Bred and named for the Willamette Valley where we live!). Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

A sight for sore eyes, Nancy. Thank you so much! **We featured summer in Nancy’s garden back in December. Refresh your memory HERE.**

Primula ‘Blue Zebra’. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
A familiar purple crocus. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Winter aconite. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Hamamelis ‘Pallida’ blooms. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
Garrya elliptica, native to the coastal mountains of southern Oregon and northern California, with long tassel blooms beginning in January. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola
A winter scene with a Japanese maple, a gold cone juniper, and a new screen we built. Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nancy Sarpola

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View 28 comments


  1. PeonyFan 03/08/2013

    Wow, indeed, as Michelle says, a sight for sore eyes. Thanks, Nancy, especially for the gorgeous close-ups of the hellebore and the primrose. I didn't realize Garrya elliptica is a native of the PNW; I always thought of it as a shrup until I saw one in England with a trunk 18" across at the base and a crown 12 feet in diameter.

  2. user-1020932 03/08/2013

    gives me hope for spring. all perfect just what i needed to see this morning

  3. briandowns 03/08/2013

    OK- bucket list includes Oregon for this very reason! The simplicity of Galanthus and others is the essence of gardening. Nancy is a woman of great wealth, and every time she lays eyes on that garden she has tax free enjoyment no doubt!

  4. joycedaffodilhill 03/08/2013

    Thank God for this glimpse of what is to come. Came into the library because I saw a light reflected into the hallway and thought I left the light on, SNOW again overnight reflected into the room. Good grief, opened the email and suddenly remembered this won't last much more. Thanks for the treat. Best wishes.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/08/2013

    Really beautiful and refreshing. I have a few crocus buds getting ready for the squirrels to shred to pieces, but warm weather is on the way and more plants should be awakening!

  6. wGardens 03/08/2013

    Lovely! The Primrose is quite striking- hadn't seen one like that before! Enjoyed this touch of "Spring" this morning, thank you! We have 3 1/2 inches of new snow this morning- so far- but it will be "Spring" again tomorrow for us when we go to the Philly Flower Show.

  7. tractor1 03/08/2013

    Began snowing yesterday afternoon, all night and still today... a good six inches on the ground and will probably more than double today... but today's photos remind that spring will soon arrive here in the Catskills too. Great array of spring photos, thank you, Nancy.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/08/2013

    Sight for sore eyes, Nancy. Thanks so much for lifting our spirits! Your snowdrops look like a swarm (???) of rare albino butterflies...all dainty and ethereal. And the double petal hellebore is gorgeous. Is it the result of some lucky cross pollinating or is it a purchased variety? Your new screen is very handsome and makes such a nice backdrop.

  9. bee1nine 03/08/2013

    Hooray for Spring! I'll take that!! The roaring March winds
    and wet snow are blowing here, this morning.
    Nancy,Thank you muchly for sharing all your elegant beauties and bringing in the promise of Spring!
    Would love to get my hands on some those blue primrose!:)
    Thanks again!

  10. terieLR 03/08/2013

    Oh Yeah! The winds are beating snow against my studio window but across my screen is the promise of Pure Spring Joy! I can almost smell it. Thank you, thank you. Now, out to scatter birdseed for these hungry little redpoll.

  11. cwheat000 03/08/2013

    Nancy, you didn't forget the early spring bloomers when planting your garden. I think they are the most appreciated flowers in my garden, but I don't have nearly as many unique varieties as you. I especially love the witch hazel, the color of the pieris, the primula variety, heck, I love it all. I have never seen the Garrya elliptical; very cool.

  12. Gardenutty 03/08/2013

    Nancy, your assortment of flowers are so interesting...and they give me hope our spring is just around the corner! Your crocus look like a painted picture! I would truly consider framing that one!

    Michelle, I would like to thank you for the wonderful page you present and truly appreciate your stance on keeping negativity out of an area that it does not belong ! I do not understand a mind that would take the time to criticize such a personal pleasure!

  13. oregongardengal 03/08/2013

    I'm glad you all are enjoying our Oregon Spring! Thanks for your comments. Meander1, the hellebore was bred by Marietta O'Byrne of Northwest Garden Nurseries which is about 40 miles south of us. She is a wholesale breeder but she has an open house the end of February where you can see and purchase from her amazing collection of hellebores.

  14. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/08/2013

    I always enjoy when a contributer has been previously featured and I get to click the link and take a walk down memory lane. It usually lets me see the garden in another season and that enhances both the current and past viewing experience. Nancy, you obviously have a love for color in all seasons and have made wonderful selections through the years.

  15. user-7006902 03/08/2013

    Oh, how I needed this! Thank you so, so much. I love that Blue Zebra Primrose. And since it's hardy to Z4 it is now on my wish list! I am always one for natives and find the Garrya with the tassel-like flowers fascinating. What a fantastic spring garden you have.

  16. phase2682 03/08/2013

    Really nice photos. I have a Garrya elliptica still in its nursery container waiting for a spot in my garden. Your photo has motivated me to find a spot and plant it!

  17. cwheat000 03/08/2013

    I just noticed my automatic spell check changed the Garrya elliptica to elliptical. It has created some interesting plant names.

  18. user-1020932 03/08/2013

    have just come in from working in the yard, i was hoping to find a shadow of color after seeing nancy's garden. no such luck here. various winter weeds flowering but that's about it. had to come back here for additional hope and to know that it's spring somewhere

  19. CJgardens 03/08/2013

    Nancy, thank you for the glimpse of spring. I think my favorite photo is the hellebore. I think they are beautiful but I have not planted one as of yet! Snow is melting off the roofs today so hopefully spring is around the corner for me. Thanks for sharing.

  20. janetsfolly 03/08/2013

    Nancy, what a treat! Every pic is so welcome, all 'heart's ease' for me! I ran out and hellebore is showing buds! Sunshine again tomorrow should nudge them open. :-) Garrya is something new for me, really special to see a native used in the landscape. All your plants look so healthy and happy.
    Oh yes, hooray for Spring!!!

  21. janeeliz 03/09/2013

    Such special beauties in your spring garden...some of my very favorites! Love your blue and white primula and the dbl. hellebore and, of course, the dear snowdrops!
    All gems to whet our appetites....

  22. mauritian_host 03/10/2013

    Hi, I love the purple crocus!! Wish I'd know how to grow it.. I don't know where to start :( Nancy your garden in fabulous.
    Michelle thank you for bringing such beautiful posts to us

  23. mauritian_host 03/10/2013

    Keep up the good work Nancy ;)

  24. oregongardengal 03/11/2013

    Dear Mauritian host, Thanks for your kind remarks! Do you live in the tropics? If so, I think you would have to refrigerate the crocus bulbs to fool them into thinking they had been through winter. Then when you take them out and they warm up, they might bloom. Of course, there are many wonderfully beautiful tropical plants that we try to grow in Oregon with limited success! It usually involves taking them in the house every winter!

  25. user-1020932 03/11/2013

    oregengardengal, i worked in my garden all day yesterday (it hurts to even breathe today) searching for some signs of spring,,,,,,,i found a few but nothing that even remotely compares to your spring extravaganza so yes, i'm back this morning for another look. delicious garden photos

  26. oregongardengal 03/11/2013

    Hang in there tntreeman. A few warm days and things will burst out for you too! I'm stiff this morning as well. Spring weekends can be hard on us 'mature' gardeners. but worth it!

  27. appaloosa 03/19/2013

    I live in Corvallis also and would love to see your yard sometime. I enjoy my early spring bulbs and shrubs. Spring is my favorite time of the year.

  28. user-6536305 12/05/2017

    Love your Primula 'Blue Zebra' and other spring blooms. You have a lot of plants in your 1/4 acres.

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