Today’s photos are from Julie Greco. She says, “I created this garden called The Pocket Park in Chappaqua, New York, in 2007, and have maintained it ever since. The park was built solely on funds donated by the community.”

Wow, what a treat for the town, Julie! Those fall shots are gorgeous. We need to see LOTS more from earlier in the season, please! Thanks!

**** The push is still on–get outside and take some last minute shots, or compile a few you took earlier in the season. I’ll be eternally grateful…. Email them to [email protected]. Thanks! ****

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The colors looks much like fall in the very nicest Swedish Gardens. I'll save the pictures for trying to make something like this Garden for next year.
Very nice, indeed.
rich, full, luxurious and tapestrylike. i love this park. i'm with gunnevi, i'm saving the pics too for future inspiration.
julie, in the first photo what is the dark purple plant just above the variegated yucca?
Hi Julie, Truly a very fine and most thoughtful idea to create a park for the town. Everything IS quite stunning.
Kudos to you, and great fund support to make it all happen!
I really admire your 'gusto'!!
Thank you for sharing!
Bravo! This is wonderful. What a special gift for the community.
A very captivating oasis apparently tucked between tall walls. I like the photo with that wooden fence as a backdrop for the birch.
absolutely gorgeous.
Julie, I would love it if you stopped back in and shared a little more with us on how the creation of this patch of perfection came about. Is it in honor of any person(s) or event in your community. You have done a truly wonderful job in choosing plants that bring out the best in each other...kind of a living example for a community of maintaining individuality but getting along!
I love your use of the variegated yucca...each leaf is like a sliver of sunshine.
It is gorgeous! I love the contrast of color and texture in every shot. "Pocket" suggests small but the photos you sent make it look like an oasis.
Love the Fall burgundies and structure of the place. Thanks.
I love the way the plants form a "tapestry" of color and texture. How old is the garden?
Beautiful colors and textures! Love it! Thanks for sharing!
A beautiful garden. The Yucca with the purple flowers nearby is gorgeous...I just bought "Refresh Your Garden Design with Color Texture and Form " by Rebecca Sweet so I can learn more about combinig plants so they look this nice together!
Absolutely beautiful Julie!
LOVE the color combinations,,, as beautiful in Spring as Fall!,,, love the mix of texture,,,,and the birch is just so fabulous to help set it all off!
Great job and wonderful gift to the community as wGardens said!
This is just lovely. What an attractive place to sit and just enjoy being out in the open air. How big is the area? It's hard to tell from the pictures.
I too, would like to know what the purple plant behind the yucca is. It looks very much like an astilbe but surely they wouldn't be blooming so late in the season.
Is that Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes' in phot #4? I am so curious about it, but have been fearful to try it in smaller gardens b/c of the potential to spread. What has your experience with it been like?? Thanks. Lovely garden!
Some truly lovely combinations. And what a great resting place for the town to offer it's inhabitants. Somewhere public,lovely, but with a sense of enclosure that allows one to feel protected enough to sit,relax, and be rejuvenated.I also would like to know the history of the garden.
Absolutely stunning! I love the combinations you chose and your design. I'd like to hear more about the idea, need, space, etc. that led to your creation of this lovely Pocket Park.
Julie, you've done an exceptional job here! I would love to see some pictures of the garden as it was being created to see how you accomplished such an excellent interweaving of plants . . . I always seem to either get them too close together or too far apart.
This is indeed beautiful. As a followup to Meander's request, can you fill us in on how you worked with the government and community to get this done? Are you designated as an official "Park Steward"? Are there other such pocket parks in your part of New York? In my community (Arlington Va), we have several spaces like this that I am sure could be converted from mowed grass to wonderful planted areas.
It is really nice and I to would like to know what the purple flowers are.
This garden is stunning! I design and maintain my community entrances and am studying your plants and combinations with great interest. I love the purples, blues and chartreuse and how they work perfectly together. I, too, would love a plant list -- the large leaf purple plant behind the bench, which astilbe, etc. Wonderful job !!!
Julie you have created an outstanding garden for your community! I too would like to know its history, see more photos, and perhaps see some work-in-progress photos as well. Your own garden must be stunning. How about some photos of it too. Thanks!
Texture, color, shape and size... this beautiful garden has it all. Julie, you are indeed a very inspired designer. I'll be saving these photos, too! What a lucky community to have this little bit of heaven!
Great colors and textures - really cool that you've done this and maintained it all these years
I love your color combinations--especially in the first photo. It's a palette I'm trying to create in our garden too so it's very inspiring. Wish I could tell what some of the specific shrubs are...
Great combinations of textures and colors that will vary with the season. Masterful!
If any are interested I found more information regarding the pocket park, with more photos, go here:
It's a lovely creation, kudos to Julie.
What a beautiful garden, and a beautiful gift to your community.
How big is the pocket park? It seems to provide a whole lot of joy for very small acreage.
Julie,you did a beautiful job. I checked out some of the other pictures of the pocket park. It is wonderful year round, but I am really loving it's fall colors. Chappaqua is a great town. My pediatrician as a kid, was in an old house in town. Dr. Epstein was a great old school doctor. He was in his 70's or 80's back in the 1970's, so I highly doubt he is still around. My dad's parents lived in a ranch on Evergreen Lane off rt.117. Thanks for bringing back some good memories. I should visit Chappaqua and this great little garden in person.
Julie, this is just STUNNING! I checked out the link provided by tractor1 (thank you!) and enjoyed those pics, too, but your Fall shots really show off the depth of your planning. Thank you for sharing, in so many ways.
Such a beautiful weaving of colors! Please, I'm dying for a plant list.
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