Garden Photo of the Day

Sally’s traffic-stopping front garden in Maryland

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Sally Long

Today’s photos are from Sally Long in Westminster, Maryland. She says, “This is my front yard flower garden. I used to live at the end of a very long lane. I had lots of flowers, but no one ever saw them unless they came to visit me.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Sally Long

“I now live in suburbia where people drive by my house every day on their way to and from work. I decided to plant something in my front yard that made them slow down to enjoy the beauty. Now people stop all the time to tell me how much they enjoy driving by.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Sally Long

Geez, I’d stop, too, Sally, this is amazing! You garden is so full and lush. And I adore the pergola over the deep purple front door. Well done!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Sally Long

You’re running out of time to take some photos in your garden! So get out there with your cameras and send some in! Email them to [email protected].

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Sally Long
That’s my fig tree on the left with a killer sunflower right behind it. The sunflower was a volunteer and I’m glad I let it go! Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Sally Long

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View 22 comments


  1. dirtgirl1949 10/03/2013

    Absolutely brilliant, other half and I love nothing more than going for long walks around the suburbs and checking out beautiful gardens. If I didn't live so far away,(I'm in Australia) I would definitely be always walking past your place Sally and possibly begging for cuttings!
    Apart from the pleasure you get from your garden, you give so much pleasure to others from this wonderful display, well done!

  2. gloriaj 10/03/2013

    I would not only slow down but I would also stop. Everything so beautiful and lush.

  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/03/2013

    I really love the neighborly aspects of a front yard garden, especially one as dense as yours. The fig has such great foliage. On my list it goes...

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/03/2013

    Oh, my goodness, your front garden is absolutely gorgeoso...ha, I made up a word in honor of how stunning it is. That opening picture could be a magazine cover. I love the generous sweeping curve shape of the bed and how sumptuously planted it is. I suspect that if I drove by and saw you working in your garden, I would have to stop and babble on how beautiful it all is.

  5. Quiltingmamma 10/03/2013

    Lovely and lush. What a great garden to share with the commuters. It really helps to view it on a full screen instead of a small tablet. Now I can differentiate between the fig and the sunflower.
    So, I have to you even use the front door? Is the access from the right? It is very hard to tell. Other than one little corner of what looks like tarmac, there doesn't seem to be any path or driveway.

  6. flowerladydi 10/03/2013

    Love it Sally!,,,,, your Zinnias are awesome,,, Butterfly bush soooo lush,,, I also love the purple on the front door!,, picks up the purples and blues in the garden.,
    Yes,,, so glad you left the sunflower! It adds humor and makes things ' pop ' even more! I am sure all you neighbors as well as everyone in the area are so glad you chose plant in front! Do you have anything in back at all?,, not that you need to for sure, just curious! Very well done!!!

  7. bee1nine 10/03/2013

    Positively Showstopping and gorgeous!...and so very well
    chosen plants to marvelously extend for your autumn color.
    Lots for creating a beautiful bouquet to bring inside, too.
    Really like the idea also, using a pergola around the front
    door. Just might adopt doing the same here, as my hubby likes it too!

  8. sallyml 10/03/2013

    Thank you ALL for your wonderful comments! We had a perfect summer this year...not too dry so everything is full of moisture. And are right about the bouquets, I cut them regularly. The huge sunflower was a very funny volunteer. I'll be saving those seeds, but probably planting them in a different part of the garden. Yes, I use the front door! Behind the garden you see is a sidewalk (and to the right of the first picture is my driveway) and then a foundation garden (about6-9 feet deep). It is new this year so plantings are a little thin. By next summer I'll have pics of the sidewalk with flower on either side! I love zinnias and the variety I plant is Blue Point Zinnia from Renee's Garden Seeds. This is a very strong variety that blooms with no problem on very tall stems, right up to frost.

  9. Doxnmom 10/03/2013

    A new favorite! What a treat for passersby and internet gardeners. Simply sumptuous.

  10. Wife_Mother_Gardener 10/03/2013

    Lovely, Sally! Fun that your roof is just that shade of brown.... the flowers make it almost look like a thatch English cottage :)

  11. tractor1 10/03/2013

    Saly's front yard is lovely, a true cornicopia in variety and a parade of vibrant colors, I love it, and I can truly appreciate the actual gardening aspect with those wide angle photos with lots of sky! Those sunflowers were very likely planted by birds, with the multi-blooms on each stem they look like black oil seed sunflowers that produce the same seed used to feed birds... next year I plan to plant lots of the largest sunflower seeds from my bird seed mix, I have a large corner of my fenced vegetable garden chosen to protect them from deer. And I can make out a small patch of paved driveway at the opening with the stepping stone path, only from how the lawn shows no wear I suspect it's not heavily trafficed. In the bottom photo on the left I see that large seedum with buds ready to burst, and that stand of what appears to be majestic spruce makes a gorgeous backdrop... to the right is the small opening with the stepping stones to the driveway. Now I'm all hyped to see Sally's back yard. Thank you, Sally.

  12. annek 10/03/2013

    Lovely, lovely, lovely. the colors are enchanting and the flower bed curve makes me want to follow it to the end. Great design!

    Sally, what do you use as edging for your beds? (I'm on a quest to find the perfect edging)

  13. GrannyMay 10/03/2013

    What a lovely, curving swathe of colour for you and your neighbours to enjoy! Sally your zinnias look so happy, no sign of mildew at all, do you do anything to prevent mildew? And is that a pink Echinacea I see? Is it new, or have you been successful in keeping it over the winter?

    I would keep planting sunflowers in the front. I think they enhance the charming cottagey feel. Lucky you to have such a striking volunteer!

  14. tractor1 10/03/2013

    GrannyMay: in both bottom photos it clearly shows the edging is that plastic type that one buys in a roll... I use it in areas and it hold up very well.

  15. sallyml 10/03/2013

    Re mildrew on the zinnias. The Blue Point zinnias seems to be somewhat resistant. We had a lot of rain this summer, but they didn't develop mildew. They are definately in full hot sun so any dew dries quickly.
    The mums are ready to pop anyday now and I will send more pictures when they do!
    as for edging, i just use the typical edging that I buy at Lowes or Home Depot. nothing special. It takes some effort to put in, but worth it.

  16. sallyml 10/03/2013

    oh yes...GrannyMay....yes that is pink echinacea. It winters over just fine here in Maryland. in fact it spreads prolifically!

  17. annek 10/03/2013

    I do use plastic edging, but my grass continues to creep in....I'm almost ready to pour concrete to keep it out!

  18. wildthyme 10/04/2013

    Sally, thank you for the photos of your gorgeous flower bed. This is the look I am aiming for in my perennial bed, but I keep falling short with bare spots that don't fill in! I agree that the sunflower was probably donated by a bird . . . I had quite a stand in the compost pile this year! Also, a question about your zinnias, a flower I didn't appreciate until I lived in Montana. How do you keep the slugs from devouring them? So far, I've only had luck with them in containers. Even if I wait until my seedlings are quite large the slugs ruin them.

  19. ancientgardener 10/04/2013

    I'm always the last one to log in at night, but just had to say how lovely your front yard garden is. The Russian Sage, so airy and blue behind the zinnias, is exquisite. I, too, am a zinnia fan. I buy the small plants at the nursery and always look for "State Fair." So far have had good luck with them. I like the short, smaller zinnias too. Sometimes they come in unique assorted shades and make a wonderful show at the front of the garden. You are a true gardener and have done a wonderful job.

    When I was younger and had large gardens many wedding parties came to have their wedding pictures taken there. I loved seeing all the beautiful gowns drifting around among my flowers.

  20. sallyml 10/04/2013

    to wildthyme....I don't really have a slug problem so I can't help you there. I've heard a dish of beer helps. The slugs like the beer and then drown in it. at least they are happy!

  21. CJgardens 10/04/2013

    Sally, beautiful front yard. Love the curves, the colors, the lushness, etc. Yes, I would have to stop and talk flowers too. I'm going to have to look for that zinnia. The purple door is great too. Thanks for sharing - looking forward to more.

  22. wildthyme 10/04/2013

    Oh well, maybe I'll just drink the beer myself and let the slugs enjoy the zinnias!

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