Garden Photo of the Day

Return to Luana’s Garden

Another look at a beautiful Ohio garden

Today we’re back for more of Luana Carpenter’s garden in Massilon, Ohio.

In the shady garden are ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’, Zones 3–9), Heuchera, Hosta, and Geranium.

Just inside the arbor, ‘Little Henry’ sweetspire (Itea virginica ‘Little Henry’, Zone 5–9), Astilbe, and bear’s breeches (Acanthus mollis, Zones 6–9) brighten a shady spot.

Pink ‘Nearly Wild’ roses contrast with spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana, Zones 4–9).

Foliage and flowers working together, with a blue spruce (Picea pungens, Zones 3–9) making a silvery-blue backdrop to the roses and foliage around it.

Wide view of the garden with some visitors.

Lush beds overflowing and vines scrambling up trellises to create a rich, vibrant garden space.

A huge clump of peachy-pink Astilbe.

A comfortable, shaded seated area looks out on the thickly planted borders.

Wide view of the garden, with roses, perennials, vines, and shrubs all working together, with a bench on which to sit and enjoy it all.

A tall oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia, Zones 5–9) with a lacecap bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla, Zones 6–11) both loaded down with flowers.


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View 24 comments


  1. nwphillygardener 07/11/2019

    Luana, thanks for showing us this richly planted and mature garden. I'm guessing you have spent years enlarging and enhancing the garden beds. And the pergola covered seating area looks like a satisfying place from which to survey and enjoy the fruits of your labor. It looks like more than a few critters feel equally privileged to visit and make themselves at home.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you. For years, sometimes to my husband's dismay, I would enlarge a bed or two! Pretty much done widening beds in this garden but thinking it may be time to expand the front garden a bit, it's getting

  2. user-7017435 07/11/2019

    Good morning, The wide view photo is outstanding. Your gardens seem to have everything a gardener could hope to achieve, Thank you for you posts, good luck, Joe

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      I love that pic too. If course gardens are always a work in progress. So many be lovely plants out there! Thank you

  3. cwalda 07/11/2019

    A beautiful garden.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you

  4. garden1953 07/11/2019

    Love your gardens! I'm sure they bring a lot of peace and joy.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you, who doesn't enjoy sitting in a garden. It's just hard not to constantly edit

  5. User avater
    treasuresmom 07/11/2019

    Love that sweetspire. My blooms have never been that large. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous too.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Love the Sweetspire too. I have a few more U need to move that don't bloom as well. It has gotten too shady for them under our large Maples. Thank you!

  6. Vezpasia 07/11/2019

    Absolutely gorgeous, thank you for sharing your lovely garden. So nice to have long shots to see the garden proper. I’m sure it it a lot of work but so worth it, you have created a paradise.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you

  7. User avater
    user-7007816 07/11/2019

    Your garden is so beautiful and lush. The rainy year has served you well. I particularly like the way you have positioned the plants in size, textures, and color. Well done.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you I don't have any full sun in my garden so I appreciate the textures and leaf color to add contrast in place if blooms. The rain can ease up now, plz. Last week I had beds underwater and black spot and mildew are setting in but that's all part of gardening.

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/11/2019

    Goodness, Luana, your garden is so lush that I had to double check that, yes, you are located in Ohio. It gives off an almost tropical paradise vibe. No wonder nature's critters like to come visit...I think we all envy the little bunny's view of your beautiful borders.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you, even though we have neighbors very close, it's my paradise. My hideaway

  9. Cenepk10 07/11/2019

    My kind of garden... love the plant selections- they’re working it together beautifully. So wonderful at that phase of a garden.- Where everything is settled in & creating a harmonious symphony. Glad I got to see it.

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you, although it is an established garden plants come and go and since I retired last year there's much more of that going on. Like they say labor of love.

  10. User avater
    bdowen 07/11/2019

    Love how your plants and color scheme work so well together- what a beautiful place you have created. I'm wondering how you keep that bunny and it's 18 little ones per year from munching away all your work!

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you. Bunnies haven't been too bad this year but I've had years where half my beds or plants are surrounded by chicken wire... I could never hurt them. We have a compost area where I try to leave goodies for them...

  11. User avater
    simplesue 07/11/2019

    You are a true gardener I can see by the work you have done in these photos! Super gorgeous, and well done! Also I "replied" to your rose advice on my question on New Dawn Rose in yesterdays posts of your roses and want to make sure you know I appreciated you sharing your personal experience with that rose! Thanks!

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Thank you for the kind comments. Happy gardening

  12. btucker9675 07/11/2019

    Wondrous garden! I'm having a bad case of oakleaf hydrangea envy... and that pale peach astilbe is so beautiful. You are an artist!

    1. hummerlu 07/11/2019

      Those hydrangeas gave been in for 20+ years. I do love Hydrangeas. That Astilbe about the same. Neither fail to impress year after year. Thank you

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