Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Rebecca’s garden in British Columbia

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

Today’s photos came from Cherry Ong, whose garden we’ve featured in the past, here. I’m thinking gardening is in her blood, especially after I got a glimpse of these photos of her mom’s garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

Cherry says, “My 70-year-old mom, Rebecca Tang, is also an avid gardener. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  Almost three years ago, when she had almost given up on the grass on her problematic side yard, she decided to plant all kinds of shade-loving perennials that she had saved up in pots and propagated through the years.  Here are the results of her efforts.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

“These pictures were taken in late spring 2011. Although I love the subdued hues of blues, silvers, whites, and the browns of winter, I do sometimes miss the lively green of the grass, especially in winter.  As the saying goes, “Hope springs eternal.”

Such a great solution, Rebecca! Less maintenance, too, eh? Thanks, Cherry, for sharing your mom’s garden with us.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

I need more TIPS! Thanks to everyone who’s been sending me their tricks, tips, and shortcuts. If you haven’t sent me a tip yet, put your thinking cap on and email me! [email protected]. I’m collecting tips for the July/August and September/October issues right now, so any mid-summer-themed or fall-themed tips would be especially helpful. But I’ll take anything, really. If you have an amazing seed-starting tip, I’ll just save it for a spring issue. Thanks, guys!

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View 6 comments


  1. Steepdrive 01/30/2012

    Love that variety of hostas. It's something I'm striving for on the edge of the woodland here. We are visiting British Columbia in May and look forward to seeing some of the fine gardens there.

    60º temps in the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday so that means I can get outside and do some garden tasks.

  2. ncgardener 01/30/2012

    Beautiful, I love the different shades of green and texture. It is a wonderful solution for a problem area. Talk about making lemonade from lemons!

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/30/2012

    Rebecca's display of hostas are so perfect that I feel like I'm looking at an enticing sale's page from one of the creme de la creme plant catalogs. They are really a feast for the eyes and soul.

  4. pattyspencer 01/30/2012

    I agree with meander1 - the way it was designed could have been a photo from a catalog. I really like it.

    BTW - do all of you know the change in our planting zones? If not - check it out here -

  5. sheilaschultz 01/30/2012

    You just gotta love hostas!

  6. perenniallycrazy 02/01/2012

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments!

    My Mom had no idea that I had sent pictures of her yard and I didn't see this post till yesterday afternoon. I sent her an e-mail with the link and here's her reply: "What a happy surprise! I hope these pics will inspire some other gardeners to be creative with their trouble areas. If I was only 10 years younger and had some $$$, I would be working on my front garden either to make it all roses or all ever greens/shrubs, no grass, just white stones everywhere. For now, I'll just dream on."

    This morning, she sent a follow-up email saying: "After my hosta garden was mentioned, NOW, I should go clean it up a little. LOL."

    Thanks for the "gardening gene" Mom. I hope I'll be gardening forever just like you and everyone else here!

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