Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Cherry’s containers in British Columbia, Day 2

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

Day 2 of Cherry Ong’s awesome containers in her garden in Richmond, BC. Today’s selections are foliage-heavy and fabulous. Cherry says she’s always wanted to enter our Fine Gardening Container Design Challenge, but has always chickened out. Um….Cherry, I think you should enter…especially since this year’s challenge is to create a stunning container that eschews flowers. You are a pro at that!

1. Lavender cotton (Santolina chamaecyparissus, USDA Zones 6-9)2. ‘Frosted Violet’ coral bells (Heuchera ‘Frosted Violet’, USDA Zones 4-9)3. ‘Silver Scrolls’ coral bells (Heuchera ‘Silver Scrolls’, USDA Zones 4-9)4. ‘Tricolor’ common sage (Salvia officinalis ‘Tricolor’, USDA Zones 6-9)5. ‘Lidakense’ sedum (Sedum cauticolum ‘Lidakense’, USDA Zones 3-9)6. ‘Quicksilver’ hebe (Hebe pimeleoides ‘Quicksilver’, USDA Zones 8-10)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

You guys should ALL enter the challenge! This is our tenth year, and it’s FUN. Check out the details HERE. Now’s the time to get your entry container designed and up and running. Do it!! If you win, not only will your container be featured in FG, but you’ll also receive a $250 gift certificate from Garden Artisans and a $250 Visa gift card from Tropicanna® Cannas.

Check out the winner and finalists of LAST YEAR’S challenge, ACCESSORIZE! Containers were required to contain an extra decorative element beyond plants, and the entries were super inspiring.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
1. ‘Green Spire’ euonymus (Euonymus japonica ‘Green Spire’, USDA Zone 6) 2. Leatherleaf sedge (Carex buchananii, USDA Zones 6-9) 3. Alpine podocarpus (Podocarpus alpinus ‘Blue Gem’, USDA Zone 7) 4. Scarletta fetterbush (Leucothoe scarletta ‘Zeblid’, USDA Zone 5b – 9a) 5. Red hook sedge (Uncinia uncinata, USDA Zone 8)6. ‘Mahogany’ coral bells (Heuchera ‘Mahogany’, USDA Zones 4-9)7. Old man bones stonecrop (Sedum divergens, USDA Zones 2-9)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
1. ‘Black Beauty’ elderberry (Sambucus nigra ‘Black Beauty’, USDA Zones 4-7) 2. ‘Hinerua’ hebe (Hebe ‘Hinerua’, USDA Zone 6)3. ‘Golf Ball’ kohuhu (Pittosporum  tennifolium ‘Golf Ball’, USDA Zones 8-11)4. ‘Snow Angel’ coral bells (Heuchera ‘Snow Angel’, USDA  Zones 4-9)5. ‘Northern Lights’ tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa, USDA Zones 4-10)6. Hens & Chicks (Sempervivum cv., USDA Zone 4)7. Golden stonecrop (Sedum acre ‘Aureum’, USDA Zones 2-9)8. ‘Black Scallop’ carpet bugleweed (Ajuga reptans ‘Black Scallop’, USDA Zones 4-10)9. Bamboo duck ornament (His name is Peter)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
1. ‘Twilight’ evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa ‘Twilight’, USDA Zone 5) 2. Daisy bush (Senecio greyi, USDA Zone 8)3. Razzleberri fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense ‘Monraz’, USDA Zone 7)4. Pink Octopus bellflower (Campanula ‘Pink Octopus’, USDA Zones 5-9)5. ‘Palace Purple’ coral bells (Heuchera micrantha  ‘Palace Purple’, USDA Zones 4-9) 6. Spoon-leafed stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’, USDA Zones 5-9)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong
1. Daphne (Daphne houtteana, USDA Zones 6-9)2. Hebe (Hebe anomala ‘Nana Purpurea’, USDA Zones 7-10)3. ‘Sizzling Pink’ fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense ‘Sizzling Pink’, USDA Zones 7-9)4. ‘Big Red’ hens & chicks (Sempervivum ‘Big Red’, USDA Zone 4)5. ‘Fuldaglut’ stonecrop (Sedum spurium ‘Fuldaglut’, USDA Zones 4-8)6. ‘Green Spice’ coral bells (Heuchera ‘Green Spice’, USDA Zones 3-8)7. Japanese forest grass (Hakonechloa macra, USDA Zones 5-9)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Cherry Ong

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/09/2012

    Yes, my immediate thought was to wonder if Cherry had ever entered (and WON) the FG container gardening contest. Her plant compositions within each pot are masterful and then the effect of the pots clustered notches up the impact significantly.

  2. plantlady57 05/09/2012

    Wow. Beautiful combinations. Great to have the plants identified as well as the zones. Thanks for sharing

  3. dukeofargy 05/09/2012

    very attractive. I use containers a fair bit here as well, but yours are truly an inspiration.

  4. Steepdrive 05/09/2012

    Your arrangements are an inspiration to me. Such gorgeous pots too.

  5. priscilla_zone5 05/09/2012

    WOW, oh, WOW! Your containers are absolutely gorgeous. Love the plant textures, color combos + creative designs. Many thanks for including the plant names, Cherry. Now it's plant shopping time for me.

  6. tractor1 05/09/2012

    I love Chef's Salad, they look so scrumptious I want them all... looks like Peter has already claimed the Escargot Medley. Lovely, I just knew that Cherry is the Sexpot Princess.

  7. sheilaschultz 05/09/2012

    I can't believe that I missed yesterday's post... your containers are fabulous, Cherry. You are a very talented designer. Trust me on this one, do not chicken out on entering the FG Container Design Challenge this year!!!

  8. MichelleGervais 05/09/2012

    Cherry--take Sheila's good advice. She's WON the Container Design Challenge. Not once, but TWICE! She knows what she's talking about...

  9. perenniallycrazy 05/09/2012

    Thanks again for your compliments everyone! I am blushing. Gardening is bliss and if there's a will one will find a way to do it. Would you believe we got the pots on clearance at a local drugstore chain? Outdoor chairs and tables were a Craigslist find (we got them at 1/10th of the retail price) and these were the impetus to the container plantings around it. It just wasn't complete without the plants if you know what I mean.

    I'll see what I can pot up this year. Anyone of you ever sidelined by injury and still wanted to garden? I'd be really interested to know how you got around it. Have a great day everyone.

  10. jagardener 05/12/2012

    just got my copy of Container Gardening Volume 9 and your pots are similar to those on Page44-51. Love them!!I have been thinking of starting succulents in containers and now I know I will. Thanks.

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