Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! More from Brenda’s garden in Georgia

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

More photos today from Brenda Addington’s garden in Suwanee, Georgia. Don’t you think she’s really good at incorporating ornaments into her garden in a tasteful way? Love it! Thanks, Brenda, for sharing your awesome garden with us.

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

In case you missed it, here’s what Brenda said in yesterday’s post: “I have been gardening for over 25 years, and have been influenced by my mother’s garden (she’s German) and all the European gardens I have witnessed during my travels to Europe growing up. I started this garden 6 years ago, and this is my third garden and is definitely one of my most challenging to create.

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

I spent the first few years digging up the beds in my backyard and filling them with nutrient-rich compost and addressing the many drainage issues. I decided to make my garden more of a “woodland/cottage” style garden to fit with our surroundings since I live in a Natural Reserve Community along the Chattahoochee River. My garden consists of over 100 roses, 50+ peonies. thousands of bulbs, hydrangeas, irises, 25 Japanese maples, and over 100 conifers. I discovered an interest in conifers after I realized many of my prized flowering plants suffered from the appetite of the deer; plus conifers add color and texture to my garden all year round.

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Over the years, I have added a lot of stonework to the garden such as a stacked stone pillar arch, a fountain, stacked stone edging and stairs, a dry creek bed, and, my favorite, a stone bridge over the dry creek bed. My garden is constantly evolving as I explore new ideas and plants, color schemes, and ways of outsmarting the deer by venturing into vertical gardening with arbors, pergolas, trellises and even growing clematis up pine trees! I love color in the garden!

2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Container gardening is also a passion. I love finding unique containers and filling them up with colorful plant material all year round.I recently created a blog to publish more information about my garden and to connect with other gardeners at Connecting with other gardeners makes me think “outside the box” by experimenting with new plant material and creative ideas!”

2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
2 WAYS TO ENLARGE!Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
View 8 comments


  1. gottagarden 10/20/2011

    It's easy to see your garden is well loved. Kudos for keeping it all so lush and healthy.

    Would love to see the other side of that giant "basket handle".

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/20/2011

    No doubt about it, Brenda's garden has it ALL going on in the best possible way. It's the kind of garden that you could visit repeatedly and always delight in a new fun discovery.

  3. Deanneart 10/20/2011

    Lovely gardens! I especially love the Kalanchoe thrysiflora in the cement basket, fantastic!

  4. greenthumblonde 10/20/2011

    I love all the hard scape elements you've created. They really show off the conifers. I love to garden in a space as large as yours. Serene. Deer have found my garden so I'm going to try your conifer strategy.

  5. ndlovinlife 10/20/2011

    I love everything that you've done in the garden. Quite an inspiration! Love, Love Love.

  6. Vespasia 10/20/2011

    Lovely pictures again, so creative and artistic, you are so talented brenda (and hardworking of course) thank you for sharing your oasis with us.

  7. HarryandRona 10/21/2011

    Even better in real life! We are fortunate to have been able to see Brenda's garden first hand. Though the pictures are truly stunning, the garden, in real life, that weaves its way around the house is indeed spectacular.

  8. pattyspencer 11/11/2011

    Beautiful garden!

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