Garden Photo of the Day

Brenda’s Holiday Garden Decorations in Georgia, Day 1

Brenda creates beautiful holiday decorations in part from materials from her own garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Today and tomorrow we’re visiting Brenda Addington’s garden in Georgia, where she creates beautiful holiday decorations in part from materials from her own garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Brenda says, “To me, nothing says Christmas more than the fragrance and color of fresh greenery. Every December, I look around my garden and start collecting fresh greenery to inspire my holiday creativity for my outdoor containers.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

“Holly, cedar, cypress, nandina, pine, boxwood, and magnolia are all abundant in my southern garden. I also mix in with my natural greenery some ‘faux’ greenery to add fullness and longevity to my garden holiday decorating. Using fresh evergreens from your garden is an inexpensive way to decorate. Also, heading to your local nursery and asking for some inexpensive ‘leftovers’ helps too. Keeping my containers watered (and misted if it hasn’t rained) keeps my greenery looking wonderful till the New Year.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Brenda, you are amazing. Stay tuned for even more tomorrow, everyone. In the meantime, finish up that Christmas shopping!!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

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View 14 comments


  1. wGardens 12/24/2012

    Fabulous!!! What a gift you have, Brenda, for creating such lovely arrangements- and what a lovely gift for us to have you share them with us! Thank you!

    To all, a "Merry Christmas" and wishing you all wonderful garden experiences in the year ahead!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/24/2012

    My biggest challenge in writing an adequately communicative comment is how big can I types the words WOW, oh, WOW!! Hmmm, ok, the "WOWs " are not large enough but, hopefully, you get the idea. Brenda, I am so appreciative that you took the time to do some sharing with us. I just learned a new Urban Dictionary word yesterday and it captures your gardening and decorating skills...they are Fantasmagorical.
    I spent yesterday cutting berry filled nandina tops to fill planters and create low colorful drifts in now empty garden spots leading up to my front entry. However, my efforts pale in comparison to your beautiful, variety rich displays. They are sumptuous and a true celebration of the season.

  3. pattyspencer 12/24/2012

    I don't know what your day job is but you should make THIS a full time profession!! Beautiful!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

  4. tractor1 12/24/2012

    What gorgeous arrangements. Brenda, you have the gift!

    A HAPPY HOLIDAY to all!

  5. sheila_schultz 12/24/2012

    Brenda, I have to 'Ditto' what everyone else has said... your entry is lush and welcoming! I'm certainly hoping you have had a Holiday party so everyone can enjoy the 'greens' of your labor! BTW, I especially like the garlands at the base of the railings, it's a perfect addition!
    Happy, Happy Holidays to all of my gardening friends out there! May 2013 bring everyone unexpected pleasures!

  6. soilgoil 12/24/2012

    Brenda, in my eyes, your holiday decor is far more beautiful and appropriate to the season than those houses we see on TV, draped in garish,flashing lights, blaring loud music. 'Wish we could peek inside your home. I'd bet it's a feast for the senses, as lush and welcoming as the entry.

    I wish a sincere Merry Christmas to all -- especially Michelle and the GPOD "regulars" -- I have come to think of you as friends.

  7. NevadaSue 12/24/2012

    Brenda, what a delight for the eyes! The way you have used plants and greenery to make your entry inviting is wonderful. I too like the garland at the base of the rail and those bells on the door are absolutely beautiful! I took a peak back to your Oct. post, somehow I had missed it. You do have a wonderful talent for planting beautiful pots. I love the white and green theme and the creek and stone bridge are so nice in that setting. Thank you so much for sharing your love of beauty with us.
    Merry Christmas to all and may your new year be filled with joy!

  8. cwheat000 12/25/2012

    Elegant! Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season to all. A light snow has begun to fall here in CT. It is so magical. The company has all left. The little one is asleep. It was so nice to sit down and view your beautiful Christmas display. To all the GPOD'ers have a healthy and wonderful New Year.

  9. passwords 12/25/2012

    Really, really beautiful. Reminds me of a special wonderland. You really inspire me to do more winter pots for the holidays in my yard. The stonework detailing on your home is really lovely.

  10. JanisCort 12/26/2012

    What an inspiration

  11. sumhillgardener 12/26/2012

    These decorations are elegant, classic and beautiful. How I would love to have the vision and talent !!! SO impressive. Thank you.

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