Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Brenda’s garden in Georgia, Day 1

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Way back in October, we featured Brenda Addington’s garden in Suwanee, Georgia, where we were wowed by her autumnal displays (refresh your memory here and here). Today we get a glimpse of SPRING in Brenda’s garden, and it’s just as spectacular!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

Brenda says, “This past December, I planted some 3,000+ bulbs, mainly tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils, in my garden. Since I live in the south in Zone 7b, I treat many of my tulips as annuals in order to have an explosion of vibrant blooms in the spring. Having planted over 2,000 tulips in December 2010, hand-troweled I might add, I decided to use an auger this time. Wow! What a difference it made. I saved a lot of time, finishing most of my bulb planting in just two days. Also, my back and hamstrings definitely benefited from the use of the auger.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

“It’s been an early ‘Spring Fever’ here for the last few weeks. much earlier than normal due to our very warm temperatures this spring. I’ve been enjoying the splendor and color of my bulbs due to all of my hard work. Even though the addition of spring bulbs in my landscape is short lived, it is indeed spectacular when they are in full bloom!”

I have to agree. Thanks, Brenda, for sharing these pics with us!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

****Brenda sent in so many great photos that I’ve split them up, and will be showing more from her garden tomorrow. Stay tuned!!****

–>The tulips in the photos are: ‘Best Red’, ‘Mt. Tacoma’, ‘Angelique’, ‘Maureen’, ‘Strike Me Pink’ blend, and ‘French Rose’ blend.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Brenda Addington

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View 16 comments


  1. duckcovegardening 03/28/2012

    Your hard work paid off, and the explosion of color is incredible. The woodland composition is so interesting and pulls you forward. I like the variegated iris that look like they are just cropping up in the one of the woodland scenes. Question, the very tall conifer - I love it, what is it?

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    meander_michaele 03/28/2012

    I'm not sure I can find an adequate adjective in the dictionary to describe how beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, incredible, breathtaking (ok, you get the idea) Brenda's amazing (oops, there's another adj.) stone bridge is. And, oh, those rewarding a labor of love is when the results look like that. Last fall, Brenda inspired me to do more with adorable little pumpkins...this fall it will be PLANT MORE BULBS!

  3. JuliaBrown 03/28/2012

    Absolutely beautiful!
    What is name of the tall, slender, blue green evergreen in the foreground of picture 5? How tall and wide does it eventually get? It may be perfect for an area I'm redoing.

  4. Steepdrive 03/28/2012

    I love those red tulips. I'd love to take a walk in your garden on a warm spring day. Thanks for almost getting me there with your photos. Alas I can't plant tulips. The deer would devour them. I am satisfied with daffodils.

  5. GardenShooter 03/28/2012

    Gorgeous gardens and gorgeous photos, too! Wonderful accomplishments on both scores, Brenda. :0)

  6. terieLR 03/28/2012

    DETAILS, details... right down to the white flowering steppables between the walkway. I love it all Brenda. Thank you for the lovely visual of your Georgia springtime. Must you pull up all the bulbs to tidy your gardens when they are finished blooming? Beautiful stone/iron arbor!

  7. Wife_Mother_Gardener 03/28/2012

    Wonderful spring, Brenda! I have enjoyed reading all about your garden these past months on your blog. So much nice structure to show off your blooms!

  8. addingtongarden 03/28/2012

    Thanks so much for the kind words everyone.
    @JuliaBrown and duckcovegardening- Regarding the conifers, I have become addicted to them over the years. Earlier this year, members of the American Conifer Society (Southeastern Region)toured my garden and I blogged about it (see: I have the identification of the conifers in my garden with photos in this blog post. The tall slender blue-green conifer is Picea omorika 'Pendula Bruns'. Love this conifer..I have 4 of them!

  9. greengrowler 03/28/2012

    What a stunning Spring display! The stone bridge is delightful - everything flows together beautifully. You've done an amazing job, Brenda - thanks so much for a lush dose of Spring.

  10. sheilaschultz 03/28/2012

    Brenda... it's all so beautiful. My back breaks for you, auger and all, but it was worth every bend and squat!The Conifer Society tour must have been a great success, your selection from what we've seen are just wonderful.

  11. pattyspencer 03/28/2012

    Just stunning! I can't imagine planting 3,000 bulbs either by hand or by the auger and then to treat them as annual - wow - tons of work but just look at the outcome! I've saved the next to last pic (bridge going into the woods) as a wallpaper.

  12. Palmmanbill 03/28/2012

    One word..... BEAUTIFUL !

  13. KarinCa 03/28/2012

    Georgeous!! I love how the plants brighten up the dark areas. You have such a keen eye for design. I went back to your fall pictures to see what usually grows there and what a beautiful change of seasons you have now with bulbs in the spring and lantanas starting summer, it's like you live in two gardens at once!

  14. tractor1 03/28/2012

    Wonderful stonemason work on that bridge, I only wish there were real water flowing in that stream bed. I love all those conifers, they look like Iseli specimens. And I know what it's like to plant a couple of hundred bulbs at a clip but I've never done thousands, and I use an auger too. I can't imagine that was a one person job... an auger finds lots of rocks and tree roots, and then to actually plant a thousand bulbs has to take several days. I tried using an auger with a cordless drill but those don't have the low speed torque required, I ended up using a 1/2" corded drill. That's a lovely garden, my only suggestion is to put that camera back to its factory settings, and consider using a tripod, it's a shame to lose all that detail from lack of sharpness. Now I'm wondering what will grow in all that area once the bulbs die down.

  15. addingtongarden 03/28/2012

    Yes, several of my conifers are indeed Iseli specimens tractor1. I've been collecting conifers for about 6 years now.
    I definitely planted all those bulbs myself and with an auger attached to my DeWalt cordless drill with an extra battery that I would recharge while using the other planting.I've amended all my planting beds over the years (a must here in our Georgia red clay)so using my auger was roots or rocks to deal with, just easy drilling.
    Thanks for the feedback on the photography. I've been wanting to buy a tripod and have been researching them.Any recommendations on a good quality one?I shoot with a Canon 5D.

  16. tractor1 03/28/2012

    Brenda, my tripod came with my Nikon spotting scope that I bought some ten years ago, ordered it from here:
    I phoned and they were very helpful.
    You probably don't need an expensive professional tripod (very pricey). My spotting scope is permanently set up at its home at my rear sliders so I can view the wildlife. I have an adaptor for fitting a camera to the scope but rarely use it as the critters move past faster than I can get the camera and clip it on. You really don't need a tripod priced higher than the $100 range. My Nikon spotting scope was expensive but I think priced separately the tripod was maybe $89. I think you have your camera set to focus on near objects but to blur everything in the distance. I think you'd do better to set your camera to the default factory setting and use it in Auto mode. Unless one is a Pro they shouldn't play with the settings on important fleeting shots like flowers at their best for the moment... today's camera microprocessors are far smarter at photography than the users. Right now I'm waiting for my new Acer griseum to leaf out (planted last summer).
    I plant trees to leave a legacy, I know I'll never see them mature.
    Your plantings are spectacular, thanks for sharing.

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