Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Marc’s garden in Maryland

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Doug DeMark Photography

Today’s photos are from Marc Goodman in North Beach, Maryland. Marc says, “I’ve been in this house since 1995.  It faces the Chesapeake Bay.  North Beach is a charming little Bayside Town of about 2000 people, about 3 miles from Washington, D.C. – most of the lots, including mine, are only 25 feet wide because they were originally weekend beach places, in which residents built do-it-yourself houses from kits ordered through Sears Roebuck catalogs – so its like urban gardening in the country.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Doug DeMark Photography

I moved here to do more sailing but once I had the house, became focused on gardening instead.  That happened because the small backyard had the foundation for an old shed in it that was ugly. I initially thought it was a septic tank that would be hard to remove.  So I had the idea to cover it up with a fountain, loosely inspired by the Court of the Sultana at the Alhambra Palace in Grenada, Spain.  (I am enamored with all things Spanish.)  Once I put the fountain in – one of the few things in life that one dreams of and then when it happens it is better than dreamed of – I couldn’t stop until the garden looked like it does in the picture.”

Great job, Marc! Yes, once you fix up one thing, it all just begins to snowball, yes? But it was all worth it!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Doug DeMark Photography

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View 8 comments


  1. mosaicgardener 04/03/2012


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    meander_michaele 04/03/2012

    What a lovely, intimate spot. I'm sure it's very gratifying to have created your own personal oasis that is shared by fish, birds, other little water loving critters and, of course, invited friends. Nice job!

  3. tractor1 04/03/2012

    Just goes to prove that size doesn't matter. Marc created a lovely intimate oasis, that fountain is sublime.

  4. Steepdrive 04/03/2012

    Hello fellow Marylander. I bet you enjoy sitting around that fountain on a warm summer evening.

  5. pattyspencer 04/03/2012

    You've created such a nice cozy spot - love it!

  6. sheilaschultz 04/03/2012

    Marc, you're backyard is more than charming, it's the perfect setting for a little quiet time. It's obvious that you have the joy of gardening in your veins!Is your house one of the Sears Roebuck catalog homes? They're pretty sweet!

  7. terieLR 04/03/2012

    Well now Marc, you have successfully sailed through this new adventure! It appears that you are able to view this wonderful transformation from an upstairs window. That's where I would be first thing every morning. Your roses look very happy helping the clematis frame your private yard.
    Happy gardening.

  8. grannieannie1 09/17/2014

    Beautiful hardscaping and a fountain which the birds must love! I remember seeing one similar to that in a California Spanish garden and the birds chirped and twittered with delight. The greenery and flowers all around the fencing complete a perfectly lovely garden.

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