Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Ann’s bowling ball garden art

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Davis

Continuing in the homemade garden ornament theme from the last couple of days, check out what Ann Davis of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, cooked up. She says, “I made this ornament with a bowling ball, broken pieces of mirror, and tile grout. I was surprised by how well it stands out in the garden.”

So cool, Ann. It looks amazing against the gravel!

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Ann Davis

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View 14 comments


  1. Statues 04/25/2012

    I love your mirrored ball. It appears to have wire holding it down. How did you do that.
    [email protected]

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    meander_michaele 04/25/2012

    That look greats and opens the door to thinking about variations on the idea using colored glass or broken pottery.

  3. AnnDavis 04/25/2012

    There is no wire holding it down. I think what you are seeing are some strands of the Elijah Blue grass that is in front of it. It is plenty heavy to stay in place on its own!

  4. pattyspencer 04/25/2012

    Now this I can relate too - lol LOVE IT! My geocaching name isn't SheWhoBlings for nothing - lol Would love to know where I could get instruction on how to do this - not the laying of grout or tiles but how to prep the ball.

  5. tractor1 04/25/2012


    What a great way to salvage retired bowling balls, turn them into practically indestructable gazing balls. Only it looks mighty close to the Gutter, someone is liable to Split with it. This one is right up my Alley!

  6. MichelleGervais 04/25/2012

    Clever tractor... :-)

  7. catsdogs 04/25/2012

    Love the Idea , especially balls are so neat, for the Garden. Great color, and hope all the animals like it to....Ha....

  8. kzoocookie 04/25/2012

    And what a beautiful stand of bergenia (is that what it is?) too!

  9. Cay442 04/25/2012

    So pretty! I've been using colorful balls as is... maybe I'll reconsider if it isn't too much work!

  10. Auntgramma 04/25/2012

    Please share with me the name of the Bergenia cultivar. I love it and the ball.

  11. terieLR 04/25/2012

    Ooowa...loving this Ann! My husband is ready to grout our tile entrance this weekend. I'll have to pay close attention, smash a mirror and find some yard sales!

    Witty tractor...there's that humor ;)

  12. greengrowler 04/25/2012

    Finally forcing myself to break away from an incredibly crushing work week (going on stress-week #3), I've so enjoyed seeing the delightful, creative posts of garden art. There are so many "found-artists" among us!

    Terie, sorry to hear our Mother gave your area the "cold shoulder" - hope things are salvagable....we've been blessed with 80-degree weather here in Colorado - hope Mother doesn't look our way!

    Meander1, hope you are over the hump and feeling like yourself! You sound as insightful and cheery as ever!

    Cheers to everyone!

  13. AnnDavis 04/25/2012

    To answer your questions, that is Bergenia cordifolia. And as far as preparation of the bowling ball, I didn't do anything to it. I just used mirror mastic to glue the pieces on.

  14. pattyspencer 04/26/2012

    Thank you AnnD Thought it might be more complicated - glad it's not! Will have to try this

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