Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO! Jumbo caterpillar

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Photo/Illustration: Mary Sherwood

Here’s another fun photo from Mary Sherwood of Littleton, North Carolina. It’s a shot from the children’s garden at New York Botanical Garden. Mary says, “I liked this garden topiary because of the whimsical display of some very common garden annuals.  The combination of coleus, sweet potato vine and fountain grass was very effective.  The vine filled in the shape and acted as support for the coleus.  The fountain grass and large eye balls added the finishing touches.  Perfect for the children’s garden!” Thanks, Mary! It looks like there’s a second caterpillar featured here, which uses one of my favorite grasses for touchable texture, Stipa tenuissima (USDA Hardiness Zones 7-11). Got any garden fun to share? We’re having FUN IN THE GARDEN all week. Email me!

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Photo/Illustration: Mary Sherwood
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Mary Sherwood
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Mary Sherwood

Here’s another fun photo from Mary Sherwood of Littleton, North Carolina. It’s a shot from the children’s garden at New York Botanical Garden. Mary says, “I liked this garden topiary because of the whimsical display of some very common garden annuals.  The combination of coleus, sweet potato vine and fountain grass was very effective.  The vine filled in the shape and acted as support for the coleus.  The fountain grass and large eye balls added the finishing touches.  Perfect for the children’s garden!” Thanks, Mary! It looks like there’s a second caterpillar featured here, which uses one of my favorite grasses for touchable texture, Stipa tenuissima (USDA Hardiness Zones 7-11). Got any garden fun to share? We’re having FUN IN THE GARDEN all week. Email me!

Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

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If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us. Send hi-res images to [email protected] with GPOD in the subject line. We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.


View 5 comments


  1. rwotzak 11/24/2010

    Lots of fun! What's the framework for this topiary made of, and was there any pruning involved to get the shapes we're seeing here?

  2. MichelleGervais 11/24/2010

    Framework, I'm not sure. I'll bet the coleus needs pruning to keep it in check, and the sweet potato vine would need to be quided, but the ajuga and fountain grass would be pretty self-sufficient. Fun!

  3. arboretum 11/24/2010

    mary, again your great framing- that third shot really zings!
    i've been sick as a dog all week so your humorous subjects are really helping!! thanks again,

  4. sheilaschultz 11/24/2010

    The caterpillars are incredible. If I were a kid, all I would want to do is run underneath them and touch them all over. The combo of textures and colors is just too much fun, thanks Mary!

  5. ncgardener 11/24/2010

    Wow that looks awesome. It is really different from the ivy covered critters. This has been a very inventive week of photos. Love it!

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