Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO: Cherry blossoms

Weeping Cherry Flower

Today’s GPOD is from Mary Beth Jarrosak on Block Island in Rhode Island. She says, “This weeping cherry tree is on my brothers property on Block Island, and it was given to him by our dad around 20 years ago or so. The photo was taken on the morning of April 24, 2010. It’s a beautiful tree and despite once being hit by a car during a high speed police chase it blooms every year with more flowers than the last.” Thanks, Mary Beth, for sending in this beautiful photo!

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  1. Thera 05/05/2010

    I think this tree is sooo beautiful. I love the cluster of flowers. Can these trees grow well in Georgia? One of my fravorite fragrances from bath and body works is cherry blossom, I love the smell of it and so my question is does the flowers have a strong sweet smell? Thanks for sharing.

  2. nanray2 05/05/2010

    fantastic photo - love those cherry blossoms - we have alot of cherry trees here in Novs Scotia but not weeping ones. You have inspired me to try a photo of some of them. Thank you.

  3. Barb_beesandchicks 05/05/2010

    Hey Sis — great photo! Sorry I missed the cherry blossoms on the Island, but I'll be there for blackberry season.

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