Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO! From one pack of seeds…

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Photo/Illustration: Nancy Lutts

Today’s photo is from Nancy Lutts in Salem, Massachusetts. She created this vision with just one packet of foxglove seeds. She sowed them in spring and nurtured them patiently, with plenty of watering and weeding, for this spectacular result, which she says is one of her best gardening successes. Gorgeous, Nancy. Thanks for sharing!

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  1. trollette 10/04/2010

    I always wondered what it would be like to have successful results from seeds. Now I know. I planted two foxglove plants and only one survived. Yours are beautiful

  2. mhaapoja 10/04/2010

    I, too, have had trouble growing foxgloves. These are beautiful, but I thought they were biennials that didn't bloom until their second season.

  3. user-7006895 10/04/2010

    These are fabulous. I have had sporadic luck with them. Mine bloomed this year, but not many blooms. Then we got a heavy rain and they all fell over and never quite recovered. Will try to seed next year and see how my luck goes. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. LaFlor 10/04/2010

    The first words out of my mouth when I saw this picture " Oh My Goodness" your flowers are fabulous!! I am a relativly new gardner and don't kno9w if they grow here in Oklahoma. Will they grow in zone 5? any body?

  5. user-7006895 10/04/2010

    Yes, they do grow in zone 5. That's my zone.

  6. ncgardener 10/04/2010

    wow those look great. I am still trying to mine established. They were intermittent at best but I am still trying to work on this clay soil. That gives me something to look forward to next spring.

  7. sheilaschultz 10/05/2010

    You go girl! I think about doing seeds, but our growing season in Denver is so short... and then I may be a bit lazy!

  8. seedparade 10/05/2010

    gorgeous photo :)

    Seed Parade

  9. lynnferda 10/05/2010

    Beautiful results from a small investment! It doesn't get much better than that!

  10. steedchristopher 10/09/2010

    What an gorgeous display!!!.. I just had to save this image to my phone. Would you like to share where you picked up your seeds??.. Pretty please! I'm learning it makes all the difference.

    In answer to @mhaapoja & others ...Quoting Wikipedia: "Plant breeders have produced annual cultivars of several biennials that will flower the first year from seed, e.g. foxglove and stock."

  11. petuniababi 10/11/2010

    i think tis is absolutely gorgeous!!! i've never had any of these flowers before but i certainly will now.what a lovely display for such a small investment.the wonders of nature.thanks for sharing.

  12. lrjsassy 05/12/2012

    Careful with this plant if you have pets. All parts of this plant are poisionous. The heart drug digatalis comes from Foxglove.

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