Garden Photo of the Day

Miruku’s garden in Malaysia

Today’s photos are from Miruku in Malaysia, who says, “I started to garden in 2009. Miruku’s Garden is separated into 3 sections, one being the flower garden, one the veggie garden, and one a mini fruit orchard. Besides the fresh and healthy produce, gardening also improves my physical and mental health, and I have better bonding time with my daughter, too, as she always plays around while I garden.”

Such a charming garden, Miruku! Thanks so much for sharing!

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  1. perenniallycrazy 06/05/2014

    What a happy garden Miruku! Your short narrative clearly shows how much joy gardening (plants) have given you, much the same for me as all the gardeners all over the world. As the saying goes, "Gardening is cheaper than therapy (and you get tomatoes)." Keep enjoying on all the garden has to offer.

    1. mirukusue 06/09/2014

      Thank you. I hope to spread my gardening spirit to every one around me too. Happy gardening to you too! :)

  2. User avater
    HelloFromMD 06/06/2014

    Very charming. Glad your daughter is with you when you are gardening. My two don't seem to have the gardening bug - yet. Love the bird houses. Do you have any visitors?

    1. mirukusue 06/09/2014

      Sometimes she complains too.. haha. Yes, i welcome school children, and i show them corns and cotton plants :)

  3. User avater
    HelloFromMD 06/06/2014

    Michelle, will we still be able to see past posts by state? So our older comments are gone? I was going to revisit info given about marathon lilies for planting this fall.

  4. MichelleGervais 06/06/2014

    We will definitely be able to search by state. Susan is working on that link. As soon as it's fully operational again I'll start listing it on the bottom of each post like I used to. And all of the old posts are operational again, so you can search my name or subject to find them in the meantime.

  5. user-7006981 06/06/2014

    Miruku love the bird cage and house. I want your raise garden boxes they look like they are made from cement..VERY NICE ....thank you for sharing your garden

    1. mirukusue 06/09/2014

      Thank you Ingrid. Yes the raised boxes are tailor-made from cement, so that i won't have to worry to replace them- we have rainy and very hot temperature here and wooden ones would not last for long. Happy gardening :)

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/06/2014

    How nice, Miruku, that your joy for gardening is being shared with your daughter. I'll bet she not only enjoys your company and the plants but also your cherub themed statuary. They all brought a smile to my face. I love all your white trellis woodwork displayed in the first's very pretty.

    1. mirukusue 06/09/2014

      Thank you. Hope you enjoy gardening too :)

  7. grannieannie1 06/06/2014

    Miruku, you make great use of the air space planting in many hanging pots.

    It is a very cheerful garden which must make you smile everytime you enter it. Thank you for sharing.

    1. mirukusue 06/09/2014

      Thank you Grannie Annie :)

  8. mirukusue 06/09/2014

    Thank you for liking my garden photos, and sorry for the poor quality. I hope you all enjoy gardening like I too ;)

  9. mirukusue 06/10/2014

    Thank you Fine Gardening Magazine and Michelle Gervais. More gardening photos of my garden here if you're interested :) God Bless all :))

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