Garden Photo of the Day

Making Succulent Wreaths

A succulent lover shows off her creations

Today’s photos come from Rachel Hermansen. And she’s got a confession to make: My name is Rachel, and I am addicted to succulents.

Well, as addictions go, succulents aren’t a bad one! And after seeing her photos, I think I may well have some succulent addiction coming on as well.

Rachel creates these incredible succulent wreaths. She says that they aren’t too difficult to make and that with proper care they can live for several years. I love how she’s created a subtle rainbow in this wreath by carefully choosing and then arranging succulents with different leaf colors.


By combining different colors and leaf sizes and textures, Rachel keeps the wreath full of interest and diversity. Click here to learn how to make a succulent topiary.


Succulents are fantastic for busy gardeners, gardeners who travel a lot, or places with limited water, because they are so tolerant of dry conditions and neglect. But being a thrifty user of water doesn’t mean that a planting has to look lean and spare. By planting many different succulents closely together, the visual effect is of lush abundance, even though this type of planting won’t demand all your time or lead to a high water bill.


Succulent planters don’t just have to use succulents! This purple-leafed tradescantia (Setcreasea pallidaZones 8– 11) has rich purple foliage that contrasts beautifully with its succulent companions. More importantly, it is also tolerant of very dry conditions, so it thrives while sharing a pot that isn’t watered regularly. If you choose a plant that loves water, it might look good with a succulent, but it would be difficult to keep everything watered correctly.


One of the great joys of succulents is their intricate forms, which sometimes look like miniature trees. Here, a tiny toy zebra transforms a planting of succulents into a miniature jungle.


There is an elephant in this jungle as well! Kids—and the child inside all of us—would love this. Click here to learn how to make potting soil for succulents and cacti.



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View 3 comments


  1. paiya 08/10/2018

    Rachel, your succulent wreaths are so beautiful; the composition is breathtaking. I too am a succulent lover but can’t maintain them as well as you do. What advice would you give to maintain the succulents looking so healthy ?

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/10/2018

    Love your creativity and sense of whimsy, Rachel. Who knew elephants...teeny tiny ones...could be so cute! Succulents ARE's a law of you are in good and plentiful company.

  3. perenniallycrazy 08/11/2018

    Love that you arranged them according to the colors of the rainbow. Would love to see update photos at maturity.

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