Garden Photo of the Day

Keeping cool in a Charleston courtyard

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Even in October, Charleston’s gardens are still kicking. This was taken a few years ago. It was still pretty darned warm in South Carolina that October, but this garden felt cool and inviting. That could have something to do with this water garden and fountain. Nothing gives the illusion of cooler temperatures in a garden like a water feature. The floating glass sphere added some extra movement, and struck me as a sort of orbiting moon or planet to the fountain.

**To learn how to build a simple fountain with a decorative pot, watch this video.
**To learn how to plant a tiny water garden in a pot, click here.

Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

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View 6 comments


  1. arboretum 01/17/2011

    how handsome. a well composed shot as well.
    thank you,

  2. wGardens 01/17/2011

    I especially like the use of the ferns and moss in the foreground! A lovely setting, a commendable photo composition as well! Thanks for sharing!

  3. caiside 01/17/2011

    I love the fountain. Can you please tell us where to get one like this? I've looked everywhere.

  4. sheilaschultz 01/17/2011

    I agree with wGardens... love the moss and ferns. Actually, I'd really like to be sitting in the chair breathing in the sultry air.

  5. MichelleGervais 01/17/2011

    Thanks for the photo praise, wGardens & arboretum!

    Caiside - here is a similar fountain that you don't need a pool for:

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