Garden Photo of the Day

Another Charleston garden scene

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Here’s a shot from another Charleston garden. I love how this gardener has mixed the tropical exuberance of the elephant ear with the formality of the clipped hedge. Perhaps this is more common in southern states, where elephant ears have a better chance of being hardy? For me, it makes the formal structure more interesting and fun. Yet again, the trickling fountain made this space even more inviting. Yes, I am a sucker for water in a garden.

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  1. ncgardener 01/18/2011

    I love the Southern courtyard look. Maybe Fine Gardening can do a week filled with courtyards and include some tips. :-) I am trying to build one in my small suburban backyard.

  2. KidsNPets 01/18/2011

    Such loveliness. Here in Blatimore it is cold, rainy and snowy. These photos give me hope that Spring will arrive and the gardens will again come to life.

  3. sheilaschultz 01/18/2011

    All the shades of green are very pleasing. Nice shot...

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