Garden Photo of the Day

Just down the street…

Photo: Michelle Gervais

Happy Halloween, everyone!! Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday. I’m so glad that you Northeasterners who chimed in are OK, with only minor damage. I’ll finally be able to get back to the office today, but had to dig up these photos off of my husband’s phone last night for today’s post.

Photo: Michelle Gervais

They’re of a house just down the street from mine, with some KILLER black-eyed Susan vines (Thunbergia alata, annual) growing up its columns. The owners of this little garden were just getting out of their car when I walked past a couple of months ago, and they agreed to let me take a few pics. (they thought I was a bit strange…) It doesn’t take a lot of money to make a super garden, does it? A few seeds and a bit of attention, and you can create this. I love it.

Photo: Michelle Gervais

** Reminder: New email address for photo submissions: [email protected]. ***

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/31/2012

    Those vines certainly got the message to grow up, up, up! Is the pink flowering one a mandevilla or is it a special variety of black-eyed Susan vine?
    Regardless, the whole effect is very charming.
    Best to all in the Northeast as they now deal with arduous clean-up efforts. That part can be so mentally depleting as well, of course, as physically.

  2. tractor1 10/31/2012

    Michelle, I don't blame you for knocking on that door, what a welcoming pocrh, and doubly welcoming with all that gorgeous flora.. they even left their hospitality light on for you... means they have electric, people I know don't have have power. My friend on Long Island in Port Washington has no power and it's estimated it won't be back for two weeks. All the roads are closed, under water, so people can't get out to shop. It's cold and they have no heat, he collects tropical fish and they are dying. I told him to be thankful, that people have lost a lot more than a few fish. I hope this is a lessen for the richest country on the planet to do a lot more to reinforce its infrastructure, I firmly believe that much of the destruction was fully preventable... and *everyone*, do NOT put off removing those big old trees near your house.

    Here is my Redspire Pear in spring:

  3. TeriCA 10/31/2012

    I also was wondering whether the pink was a mandevilla or Clematis??? glad you are ok, along with most of your neighbors.

  4. MichelleGervais 10/31/2012

    I believe that's a mandevilla--sorry, should have mentioned that. Any ideas on what that green vine is between the black-eyed Susan vine and mandevilla?

  5. terieLR 10/31/2012

    Hi Michelle, I wonder if the climber in question is a porcelain plant? It developes muli-color berries in the fall. Congratulations on the article from yesterday's post ~ I enjoyed reading it when the magazine came also! Please tell your neighbors we enjoy their vertical!

  6. darylsavage 10/31/2012

    That thunbergia vine is a total winner. We got hit hard by the hurricane here in Sparta, and that sucker is still blooming! At a time like this, when you don't know when power will be restored, anything in bloom stands out like a symbol of hope. As far as I know the thunbergia only comes in orange or yellow. I put 2 each in my windowboxes this year and draped them over the nearby trellis's and loved the effect. Their only downside as vines is that they need constant water, or else they wilt and look terrible. They were $3.99 each in 4" pots at the nursery where I work, so they were a great deal. I think that other vine not in bloom is a morning-glory.

  7. daisy8 11/08/2012

    Beautiful vines! Is there a support (string, rope, fishing line, etc.) supporting the mandevilla climbing up the post?

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