Garden Photo of the Day

A garden through the eyes of a 6-year-old

Photo: Kaia Wotzak

GPOD veterans might recall that I took my 5-year-old daughter, Kaia, garden visiting last year and put a camera in her hands to see her perspective. I shared the oh-so-interesting results HERE.

Photo: Kaia Wotzak

Well, now she’s 6, and last weekend she and my husband tagged along as I visited Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, Massachusetts, on Saturday. Poor thing, we yanked her out of bed way earlier than she’s used to, plopped her in a garden, and stuck an iPhone in her hands. “Take off, kid, go take some pictures!” She caught on pretty quickly, as you can see.

Phot0: Kaia Wotzak

Check out what she thought worth of a click of the camera. It’s obvious she’s really good at something I’m not: looking at the bigger picture. I spend lots of time with my camera buried in the plants–she took some time to look up and admire. Oh, the lessons to be learned!

Photo: Kaia Wotzak

****** WE STILL NEED TIPS! ******
Hey everyone, put your thinking caps on–we’re in the midst of collecting gardening tips for the May/June 2013 issue (Crazy, I know…it’s not even winter yet!). Got any time saving tricks, quick hints, or helpful suggestions you’d like to share? They should be relevant to spring and early summer (for example, no fall leaf-raking tips). Accompanying photos are welcomed but not at all necessary. Send them to me at [email protected], and if we decide to publish yours we’ll send you $25. Thanks!

Photo: Kaia Wotzak
Photo: Kaia Wotzak
Photo: Kaia Wotzak
Photo: Kaia Wotzak
Photo: Kaia Wotzak
The photographer in action… Photo: Michelle Gervais

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View 16 comments


  1. Miyako 10/09/2012

    It is clear that she watches what you do. She observed you very well. I like the fact that she is taking wide and closed shots, and captures the beauty. Tough it may be a little different, I don't think her point of view is much different from ours. Well done, Kai!

  2. pattyspencer 10/09/2012

    Are you sure there isn't a professional photographer hidden inside??? She takes awesome pictures!!!

  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/09/2012

    Quite an artist! I think the close ups are really great!

  4. tractor1 10/09/2012

    Kaia is a natural photographer, good composition and somehow knows to have some sky in her shots. Photo quality is lacking but that's the fault of the phone camera, not hers. She's ready for a real camera. And Kaia is a very pretty girl, take lots of pictures of her, years from now you'll both be glad you did.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/09/2012

    Beautiful pictures taken by a beautiful girl! It was nice to have some shots with sky (as tractor1 says) and get a sense of scope and scale. I lived in MA during the 80's and remember visiting this public garden during its fledgling time. Kaia's photos gave me a glimpse of how far it has come. Thanks.

  6. VeronicaM 10/09/2012

    I did this when my step-daughters were 6 and 8 years old when we went for hikes in the woods. The results were remarkable. I would ask them to look for simple shapes created by the branches, leaves, etc., like triangles, X's, and so forth. The pre-cursor to composition. We still have the photos. I'm using Kaia's grass seed head as my desktop photo today! Great job!

  7. marymax 10/09/2012

    Next time Michelle is out sick we will know Kaia can take over for her. Awesome pictures for a 6-year old. I will be taking my 6-year old granddaughter to a garden or to photograph some fall leaves.

  8. Vespasian 10/09/2012

    What refreshing photos, truly the eyes of a child are wonderful. My grandsons all love to take photos and the second eldest, Liam is particularly talented and takes great pictures, he is particularly good with people shots! Lovely garden as well of course

  9. Vespasian 10/09/2012

    What refreshing photos, truly the eyes of a child are wonderful. My grandsons all love to take photos and the second eldest, Liam is particularly talented and takes great pictures, he is particularly good with people shots! Lovely garden as well of course

  10. Vespasian 10/09/2012

    What refreshing photos, truly the eyes of a child are wonderful. My grandsons all love to take photos and the second eldest, Liam is particularly talented and takes great pictures, he is particularly good with people shots! Lovely garden as well of course

  11. sheila_schultz 10/09/2012

    Kaia is a natural artist... her eye for beauty and composition is well beyond her six years. Hmmmm... wonder where that comes from? Start saving up for art school!

  12. annek 10/09/2012

    Talented girl!! The photos are all so well done, but the daisy photo really captured my imagination. Submitting some of these to a photo contest or two might be in order. What a talent you are, Kaia!

  13. greengrowler 10/09/2012

    Kaia, you have a great eye for natural beauty - probably because you, too are a natural beauty! I admire your gorgeous chestnut hair.... You've done a fabulous job capturing the spirit of flowers! Thanks so much for sharing your photos.

  14. cwheat000 10/09/2012

    Kaia, you should be very proud of yourself. You took some beautiful pictures. I am not surprised. I have meet Kaia in person, and she is smart beyond her years. Kudos to mom and dad for introducing you to so many things. What a great confidence booster for a lovely young lady.

  15. DCNative 10/10/2012

    In the one photo, at the lower left corner, there's a shocking display of the color purple. Are those "naked lady" bulbs?

  16. Christina_Thompson 10/17/2012

    This is so interesting! I would expect a lot of close up pictures of pretty flowers from a 6 year old girl. I am completely impressed by her photographic choices! She must be a very mature young lady!

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