Garden Photo of the Day

Jeanne’s garden in Washington state, in fall

The beginning of our cold weather...changes for sure.
Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Jeanne Cronce

If you’ll recall, we visited Jeanne Cronce’s garden in Port Orchard, Washington, back on December 2nd. Today she’s back with some fall shots! (Keep in mind that she sent these to me back in early December)

The colors fade fast!

Jeanne says, “I hope these will encourage others and will add to the assortment of pics. I so enjoy seeing all the different gardens!” ***more info in the captions***

Beautiful, Jeanne! Thanks!

The last I saw of the beautiful geranium

You guys….every morning I want to cry, you guys are sending me the nicest emails about the GPOD and my talk! I will respond to every single one very soon, I promise. In the meantime, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

One of our golden bamboo which always looks great.
Well here it started..our temperature was 18 degrees this morning…


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View 17 comments


  1. user-1020932 12/19/2013

    i do love fall but it doesn't last very long then winter hangs around FOREVER it seems. great shots of your garden and i re visited and compared to the earlier submissions. love the bamboo BUT how do you contain it? i have Fargesia (a clumper) but it's not the same effect

  2. wGardens 12/19/2013

    I am glad you were able to capture these wonderful fall moments before winter REALLY set in, they are beautiful. Great plant material and combinations. Love it!

  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/19/2013

    Late fall really accentuates the great stucture in your garden. Looks awesome!

  4. bee1nine 12/19/2013

    Jeanne, Nicely captured shots of fall, fleeting though your
    wonderful garden!
    Couldn't help to notice the gazing fairy nestled in the ferns
    looking down the path in amazement. I love it!!

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/19/2013

    Well, Jeanne, your last photo and caption says it all and ended things with a smile for me...thanks...I always appreciate starting the day off with a smile! Love the interesting curve in that tree trunk, by the way...makes it a piece of living sculpture. It looks like a smallish contorted weeping birch because of how the light has silvered out the trunk but is it really a Japanese maple?

  6. flowerladydi 12/19/2013

    Love it Jeanne!,, especially the birch! He is so great!, so much character!!!,, and love your path, charming!, with the bamboo, blood grass and chamaecyparis! Fall is truly a beautiful season and you have captured it well!!

  7. Wife_Mother_Gardener 12/19/2013

    What a lovely path! Perfectly planted for balance & interest. Thanks for sharing!

  8. GreenGrammy 12/19/2013

    Thanks, Jeanne--love the structure and plants in your garden, and you've planned it well to be beautiful all year long. I agree with others about the tree, whatever it is. It's striking! And you've captured the autumn atmosphere perfectly--one of my favorite seasons. (After spring, of course!)

    Michelle, I know you'll do well at your presentation--how could you not, with your passion for what you do? If no one else has suggested this yet, I'd like to see you feature the gardens/photography of Terie Rawn--I've saved a great many of her photos to look at again and again.

  9. tractor1 12/19/2013

    Great compositions... the last looks like a surreal bird about to depart for warmer clime. Thank you, Jeanne.

  10. SisGof5 12/19/2013

    Just lovely! I can picture your gardens covered in frost or snow. This must be exquisite for four seasons!

  11. sheila_schultz 12/19/2013

    Your garden was obviously planted with the 4 seasons in mind, Jeanne. It has such great bones it's beautiful no matter the time of year. Thanks!

  12. GrannyMay 12/19/2013

    Thank you Jeanne for showing us the beauty of late fall in your garden. Love it! Your 35 years of devotion to it have created a wonderful place to enjoy all the seasons. Please do send more pictures as we get into proper winter. And don't forget to report on your Red Bananas next spring.

  13. greengenes 12/19/2013

    About the bamboo...the clump in the foreground is a golden bamboo which is a runner but is not contained. It just hasn't moved and its been there for 25 years! But the one in the background was a large start from the front one and it started to run towards our blueberries so we had to dig around it, 3ft. down and we put in a heavy duty bamboo barrier. So far so good. We also planted a black bamboo this way. We went to this bamboo farm, a 20 acre place of beautiful bamboo of all kinds,(online at bamboo garden in Oregon) but we learned about another way to plant the running kind. It is the ditch method. They explain it on the web site. So we bought a timber bamboo and a few others and planted it as they suggested. Its a little scary but I cant seem to get enough of this wonderful grass! Hope this helps and brings a little cheer to your Christmas list!

  14. GrannyCC 12/19/2013

    Beautiful photos Jeanne. Your garden looks wonderful even in the frost and cold. We had the same cold spell here on Vancouver Island and things were beautiful with a fine dusting of snow.

  15. AnneinQC 12/19/2013

    Gorgeous, wish I could grow bamboo like that. I have started a small clump of hardy bamboo that supposedly doesn't run but it's still very small. If I could garden anywhere it would be the pacific northwest!

  16. terieLR 12/19/2013

    Hi Jeanne, Now these are paths that I would stroll repeatedly, no matter what the season holds. I had to smile when viewing the frosted rhododendrons ~ they always let us know (from inside the windows) if the temps are dipping below 30 by curling. Your combinations are captivating. Did you know that Facebook features this garden blog daily? Yours received over 800 'likes' today. :)

    Thank you GreenGrammy for encouraging me today. It warmed my heart. I loved Michelle's challenge to us and along with many of you, poured over past posts. We ALL want to be there for you Michelle! We truly are blessed to have these daily moments of gardening-bliss. It is balm to my soul.

  17. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/19/2013

    terieLR, what a beautiful composition of artful flame and hydrangea blossoms in your avatar photo. It is so evocative of peacefulness and calm.

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