Garden Photo of the Day

Hunter’s design in New Mexico

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Hunter Ten Broeck

Today’s photos are from Hunter Ten Broeck in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He says, “I am a garden designer and the owner of Waterwise Landscapes Inc. in Albuquerque. This is one of my designs. It is a garden in the Ridgecrest area of Albuquerque.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Hunter Ten Broeck

“It is a terraced (we used boulders to terrace) and walled backyard. We worked to create a series of outdoor living spaces. There is also a shade structure for summer. The yard includes a grape arbor, an herb garden, and a small mini-meadow, as well as a partially hidden utility area with a clothes line. We recycled some of the old brick in a more curved path as well as using some bricks as edging for the crusher fines path.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Hunter Ten Broeck

“We ended up relandscaping the front yard two years later and the owners sold the house in 2005, but we have maintained the property for the new owners ever since. These photos were taken in 2009.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Hunter Ten Broeck

The silver foliage is threadleaf sage (Artemesia filifolia). Other plants include desert willow (Chilopsis linearis),  creeping germander (Teucrium chamaedrys ‘Prostrata’), Jupiter’s beard (Centranthus ruber), ‘Moonshine’ yarrow (Achillea ‘Moonshine’), and ‘Karl Foerster’ feather reed grass (Calamagrostis arundinacea ‘Karl Foerster’).”

Beautiful, Hunter! ** Check out Hunter’s website HERE, and his page HERE.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Hunter Ten Broeck

Hey look–that makes 44 states!! OK, if you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, South Dakota, Arkansas, or Mississippi, we’re counting on you to pull us through to all 50 states. And how about Puerto Rico?? I know you’re out there somewhere….  And while we’re at it, how in the world is it possible that we’ve never featured a garden from England? That just seems wrong, doesn’t it?

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  1. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 01/11/2013

    beautiful. love that artemisia.

  2. GrnThum 01/11/2013

    So much lovely color and butterfly and hummingbird-friendly to boot! Great job. These water-wise choices are the wave of the future. When I was in England, the Jupiter's Beard was growing out of the castle walls - no water/no dirt - and it looked gorgeous!

  3. lovemyyard 01/11/2013

    Hunter, you got it right. This garden is livable, eco friendly and beautifully executed. If I lived in NM I'd try to mimic this one.

  4. dukeofargy 01/11/2013

    Makes me want to visit this area . I really appreciate your efforts to recycle. You do it well.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/11/2013

    Very, very nice...lots of visual interest and yet the plant choices probably aren't real water needy. I'm thinking that the very round, blue flowering bush in the background of the 4th picture down is a butterfly bush? If so, which particular variety is it? It's so full and under control looking? Perhaps one of the newer, smaller hybrids? or just very conscientious pruning?

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 01/11/2013

    The blue flowering bush is labeled as a vitex on his houzz page. Very beautiful and dense.

  7. tractor1 01/11/2013

    So different from my snow and ice... I like all that warm hardscape.

  8. KarinCa 01/11/2013

    Beautiful and colorful! It's interesting to see how empty space is part of your design and adds to it. I'm always tempted to try to recreate the lush cottage style designs just with drought tolerant plants, but I see here less can be more!

  9. NevadaSue 01/11/2013

    Hunter I'm so glad to see some nice desert gardens on this site. I really love what you have done. Enjoyed your websites as well. These are some of the beest of desert gardens I have seen. It gives me courage as I design my garden here in the desert of NV. I so appreciate your plant section as I'm looking for plants that will do well here. The rock work is wonderful and I Love how you have used a mix of brick and stone. I'm wondering what that ground cover is in the entry picture? The purple one. and the silver bush in the second picture down. Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. Wife_Mother_Gardener 01/11/2013

    Beautifully designed and very inviting in a desert climate!

  11. nanlp 01/11/2013

    Lovely and simple. Does anyone know what the tall red flowers are in photo #4.
    I'm thinking Hesperaloe parvifora--Red Yucca?

  12. passwords 01/11/2013

    Beautiful and serene. Makes perfect sense to take advantage of drought tolerant plants especially with so many locations around the country are experiencing this.

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