Garden Photo of the Day

Fourth of July Surprise

4th of July rose

Happy Fourth of July! Leticia has shared her mother's garden photos in hopes of brightening her day.

"Hello, this is my mom's garden. It would mean the world to her if her flowers were published. She has colitis and heart problems and her garden keeps her going in life.  Her name is Yanet Arnold from Vernon, CT."

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Black pansy

Ketchup and mustard rose

Lavendar plant in the garden

Mini roses

Mom's roses

Morning glory

Old-fashioned bleeding heart

Orange lily

Pink and white lily

Rainbow rose

View 18 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 07/04/2016

    Good on you Leticia for showing the initiative and sharing these photos, and I hope it does brighten up the day of your mom, Yanet. Love the black pansies with yellow and purple centres! Is your mom's rose, 'Just Joey'?

  2. user-3565112 07/04/2016

    This is a beautiful surprise this rainy 4th. of July morning. Yanet , these beautiful photos show your are a talented & skillful gardener. Roses are tough to grow & your dedication to yours is obvious. Thank you Letitia for sharing your Mom's garden this morning.Good luck to you both, Joe

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/04/2016

    My goodness, Letitia and Yanet, the first rose pictured looked like a mini fireworks has such an exuberant color pattern. It makes me feel like lighting a sparkler and and going "oooh" and "ahhh". It's so nice to read that gardening is staying an important part of your mom's life and it sounds like you, Letitia, recognize how special it is to her. She has many beautiful flowering plants and they are valuable medicine along with whatever the doctors prescribe. Happy 4th of July to you and all my gpod-ers.

  4. Cenepk10 07/04/2016

    Yanet !!! Thats a gorgeous collection of roses. And - the black pansies ! i've seen the black petunias- but never pansies ! They're lovely! Thanks so much Leticia for sharing!!! I loved especially the ketchup/mustard rose ?

  5. wGardens 07/04/2016

    Wow, those black pansies are great! And the roses... well.... Awesome! A great photo to open with the red and white roses! What a wonderful splash of color and so appropriate for the day! Thanks for sharing... and best wishes to you both! Hope everyone has a special day with family and friends!

  6. diane_lasauce 07/04/2016

    Lovely photos indeed. My only suggestion would be to remove that red hummer nectar and replace with home made (1 cup sugar + 4 cups water, boil 2 minutes, cool and use. Store unused portion in the fridge in a clean glass jar). Feeding hummers colored nectar is not necessary nor recommended by the National Audubon Society, as color and preservatives are not good for our beloved hummers. Hope you make the switch today.

  7. katieerb 07/04/2016

    I love the black pansies, I can see why your Mom loves her flowers, so beautiful!

  8. user-4691082 07/04/2016

    Good morning, Yanet and Leticia! Happy 4th! I echo all of the comments below! Where can I get some black pansies???? Love all of the roses...great job. Best wishes for a long and healthy life!

  9. User avater
    treasuresmom 07/04/2016

    What a beautiful garden and a sweet daughter to try to bring more joy to her mom's life. Those roses are absolutely stunning!!!!!!!!!!

  10. wittyone 07/04/2016

    Leticia, what a thoughtful thing to do for your Mom. Her flowers certainly should be featured here------they are gorgeous. She obviously has a green thumb or two and her flowers reflect her expertise and ongoing care. How nice for her that she can find enjoyment and respite while working out in the open air and sunshine.The last picture of the Rainbow Rose is wonderful----a beautiful color combination.

  11. GrannyCC 07/04/2016

    These flowers would brighten any ones days. What a beautiful garden Yanet and thanks for sharing it with us.

  12. grannieannie1 07/04/2016

    What an interesting collection of plants you have: black pansies, ketchup and mustard roses...never heard of either of those, but they certainly seem to enjoy growing in your yard, Yanet. Thank you for posting them which makes this site all the more educational for us. Your pink mini rose looks incredibly robust growing up into a tree. I've always loved seeing old roses blending in, rambling around instead of being trimmed into a tame predictable shape. And your red roses look all the redder backed by deep green-- just lovely! I hope you spend lots of time enjoying your years of garden labor. Also, seeing not one but two umbrellas in your garden has given me the idea to put mine up to shade me when I weed. Thank you!

  13. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 07/04/2016

    How great, so full of color and flowers.The garden can be such a restful, pleasant respite and seems to always keep some hope alive. There's always something that going to bloom or look better or get bigger!

  14. sheila_schultz 07/04/2016

    What a special treat on the Fourth of July to see an explosion of color and beauty coming from a well loved garden. These photos wonderfully show your passion, Yanet, your flowers are magnificent. It's pretty obvious, too, that your garden isn't the only thing you tend to with love... Leticia, you are the most beautiful flower of all. You both are very fortunate to have one another.

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 07/04/2016

      Lovely sentiment, Sheila...I felt a teeny tiny welling up.

      1. sheila_schultz 07/04/2016

        I felt the same way when I read Leticia's note. Happy 4th, Mike!

  15. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 07/04/2016

    Yanet, your garden is so colorful and impressive and Leticia your photography shows off your mom's hard work beautifully. Thank you for brightening up this rather dreary 4th of July morning out here in WA. I hope you have many more happy years playing in and enjoying this sanctuary that you've created.

  16. nenitafranck 07/07/2016

    My favorite flowers are in your favorite are the climbing roses!!! and the pink and white Lily with their lovely scent!!

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