
Fourth of July Bouquet

Learn how to put together a Fourth of July bouquet from the garden.


See this article for more information and resources for growing your own Independence Day Garden.

Plants for a Fourth of July Bouquet


‘Mr. Lincoln’ hybrid tea rose 
Hybrid teas get a bad reputation from the gardening community for being fickle and unsightly, but are their blooms beautiful in flower arrangements. Many other varieties of rose – shrubs and climbers – offer gorgeous blossoms, as well, but typically are too-short stemmed for many traditional bouquets. If you love having cut flowers then I suggest tucking a hybrid tea somewhere out of the way if the plant offends your design sensibilities. ‘Mr. Lincoln’ is a wonderful bold red rose variety as is ‘Chrysler Imperial’, but ‘Take it Easy‘ might be a more disease resistant alternative.


Hydrangea macrophylla
A white variety of Hydangrea macrophylla is a wonderful addition to Southern cutting gardens.  Learn more about growing big leaf hydrangeas. For northeners who can’t grow Hydrangea macrophylla, Hydrangea paniculata might be an alternative to consider.


Baptisia australis
The tall blueish-purple flowered plant is Baptista australis. It blooms in spring time, but often can make it through to late June or early July depending on your location. This hardy plant can be grown from Zones 3 to 9, making it a versatile selection for your cutting garden. See more about growing Baptisia.


Hypericum androsaemum
This is widely grown for the florist trade, but is not common in home gardens. Hypericum is the fruit that grows on this plant, commonly known as sweet amber. It can be grown in Zones 5 to 8. The plant works well as a ground cover, and berries are often found in floral arrangements.


Dusty miller (Jacobaea maritima)
Dusty miller or Jacobea maritima is a very cool, soft, silver-leaved perennial that grows in Zones 7 to 10. Yellow flowers will bloom from time to time, but most people plant dusty miller as an accent plant in beds and borders. See more about growing dusty miller.


Sea holly (Eryngium planum)
Sea holly has bluish purple spiky blossoms that look a bit star-like, which makes it a very cool addition to a Fourth of July bouquet. This plant grows in Zones 5 to 9, is fairly tough, and will easily spread out over a couple of years if allowed, too, which makes it a great selection if you’ve got some space to fill in your garden.


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  1. User avater
    AshlieDPerron 11/06/2019

    Amazing idea!

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