Garden Photo of the Day

Fall in Nancy’s Maryland garden

I love red and a favorite fall moment is when the Imperata cylindrica 'Red Baron' achieves full color. So I add dragon wing begonia to join the Baron and 'Crimson Queen' Japanese maple. Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Nancy Bellaire

We visited Nancy Bellaire’s garden in Maryland back in May (refresh your memory HERE), and her tulips were stunning! Today she’s back with some fall scenes.

Rabdosia longituba and Hosta ‘Fragrant Bouquet’. I learned about this plant from an article in Fine Gardening by Gene Bush of Munchkin Nursery.

She says, “I am HellofromMD and often post comments. I thought I’d share some of my favorite fall flower/foliage photos from my part-shade gardens.”

Wow, what gorgeous combos, Nancy! Now we need to see SUMMER in your garden. Thanks for sharing!

Heuchera villosa ‘Purpurea’ is an older cultivar but a strong grower and survivor. I like it with mop hydrangea and self-sown impatiens.

——I know you all have some days off for the holidays coming up….So go take a photographic stroll through the photos you took in your garden this year, and send some in to me! [email protected]….. Thanks!

Searing color from mum ‘Rumba’ and a red Belgian mum that returns.
Begonia ‘Alba’ is new also and lights up its shady spot better than the pink version would.
This is ‘Lady in Black’ aster, a subtle beauty and it comes alive with self-sown pink nicotiana.
‘Henry’s Garnet’ itea manages to color in part shade and look great with shade tolerant double ‘Knockout’ rose. ‘Brigadoon’ St. John’s wort and Salvia guaranitica complete the group. You can also see Japanese anemone ‘September Charm’ and Hibiscus coccineus, a native wildflower. This hibiscus is late blooming so it escapes the Japanese beetles destruction.
For a fresh fall flower, I have Ligularia ‘Aurea-maculata’ backed up by the Imperata cylindrica ‘Red Baron’ and softened with a blue spruce.
For a flamboyant show I paired Salvia vanhouttei and ‘Redhead’ coleus.
A favorite scene with my new Hydrangea ‘Bobo’, Coreopsis ‘Mercury Rising’ and Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’.
I’ve always liked the graceful foliage of Tricyrtis, but not the flowers. This year my eyes opened to their beauty for the first time. Hey, I didn’t use to like hostas either and now I have over 50 cultivars. The longer I garden, the more plants I come to appreciate.
I planted Spiranthes ‘Chadd’s Ford’ this spring. I only have one and need more to make a good display. But what a brilliant pure white. Hope it overwinters.

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View 34 comments


  1. user-1020932 12/20/2013

    nancy, it all looks great and i covet your Spiranthes. i haven't mastered growing that and Rabdosia is a new one for me to try. i also really like that mum,,,,,Rumba. your garden is chock full of choice plants and it all looks smashing. love it all
    i do want to also extend a merry christmas wish to everyone here at GPOD, you really have become coffee buddies to me so i've included a link to a video christmas card from my crazy family to yours. if you're on an iPad,,,,,,it's not gonna work for some reason

  2. user-1020932 12/20/2013

    twas the friday before Christmas
    and all thru this blog
    everyone was scrolling
    with eyes all agog

    AnneK with her horses
    and Meander with grass
    and Sheila with agaves
    always sticking her a$$

    tim with his rocks
    all scattered about
    plants here and plants there
    his garden has clout

    and Michelle at attention
    with gavel in hand
    saying BE NICE everybody
    this is MY gardenland!!!

    hope it's the best christmas ever and keep up the great work, Nancy, i'll be waiting for summer photos of your place!

  3. deeinde 12/20/2013

    Nancy, your garden is beautiful! I, too, got some new ideas! Now I just have to track the plants down in the spring. Did you ever notice how the wish list you make in the winter, doesn't match the list of what you buy in the spring?

    Tntreeman, your elf dance was great! Another one of your many talents! And the poem as well.

    Everyone, have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. flowerladydi 12/20/2013

    Nancy,,,,, it looks beautiful!,,,,, and I love your Rabdosia!,,,, and wish it were perennial to my zone 5 garden.,,, looks great! Blue is not a common color,, and so nice when one finds a good one! I am not one to use many reds, but love the way others do!,,, yours is warm yet fiery and exciting!
    I am up earlier than usual, and had hoped to beat Jeff!,, but, he was great in having his Christmas Cheer poem for us all to see!,,,, I will definitely check out your christmas video!

    Also,,,, I have been meaning to wish Michelle luck too!,,, A daunting task to find which of all the fabulous gardens to showcase,, as each and every one is great in different ways,, and all labors of love.

    Again, Nancy, great photos!,,,, and, I almost forgot! So good to see BoBo!!! I have been meaning to try it, and now after seeing yours, which looks so good, will make a point to pick up at least one next season!
    Happy Holidays to All as well!

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/20/2013

    Nancy, you are a great gardener and a great collector. So many treasures! I have to comment on the Rabdosia as well - so cool and only vaguely familiar to me. How would you rate it for all-around, all-year-round garden- worthiness? In other words, is it worth me digging something up to put it in?
    -thanks for the morning chuckle, Jeff!

  6. wGardens 12/20/2013

    Love it! I'll check in again later, as I have an extra-busy morning. I need to check this out more in depth! Beautiful!

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/20/2013

    Nancy, you are such a thought-filled gardener (ha, I'm sure you are thoughtful, as well)...anyway, the pairings you have shared today are genius...each individual plant seems to bring out the best in its neighbor. I'm particularly drawn to the subtle lushness of the hydrangea'Bobo' and its companions. I wonder if the coreopsis 'Mercury Rising' is as dependable in returning as 'Moonbeam'? Your 'Bobo' (we should all have something we can call 'Bobo' in our lives) is so bloom filled...what a treasure.

    And, speaking of treasures...Jeff, Jeff, are one, indeed. We will all be breaking out in spontaneous smiles throughout the day as we conjure back up your dancing feet and eyes and contagious grin! And your Merry Christmas poem was thoroughly enjoyed!

  8. bee1nine 12/20/2013

    Thank you Nancy, have awe-struck me with some intriguing plants I'm not quite familiar with. Such as the
    Rabdosia and Salvia vanhouttei. Shall keep those in mind to
    look for.
    Great photos, lovely combinations and ideas!

    Hi Jeff...What a HOOT!! Thanks for the smiles galore!:)

  9. gloriaj 12/20/2013

    I spent more time visiting Nancy's garden than I usually do, because I was going back and forth reading the description and looking at how you paired them together. I didn't want to miss anything and I enjoyed everything.
    As I've said before tntreeman you are a hoot. I am going to have to visit you over a glass of ice tea and just let you talk and me just laugh.

  10. user-1020932 12/20/2013

    i'm like you gloriaj, i spent a lot of time examining nancy's photos closely. she has some great plants and combos. AND you're welcome in Tennessee anytime, i think hugs and laughter are VERY important in this life and most people don't get enough of either one.

  11. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/20/2013

    Good morning!
    To Yardman, I do think one of the thrills of gardening is tracking down a treasure from your wish list or happening upon a rare treasure at the local nursery. I often use the 'sources' at the end of a Fine Gardening article.
    To Vojt, Rabdosia is shrublike in growth, 2-3', but dies down lie a perennial. It is planted at the back of my shade garden so it's a green backdrop until fall. The leaves are nothing special. I am on a mission to have as many flowers as possible in my shade garden. I love foliage but that combo of flowers and fabulous foliage really sings.
    Great poem, Jeff.

  12. SisGof5 12/20/2013

    Like everyone else, I am loving the plants. I would love to know your zone. The ligularia reminds me of my farfigium japonica. So lovely. I will try some of these, if only for a season. Thanks for sharing,

  13. gloriaj 12/20/2013

    That why I enjoy your comments, they are already positive. Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and safe one. Tntreeman I am in L.A. spending Christmas with family. I try to send some of this warm weather back to Tenn.

  14. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/20/2013

    Hi Meander1,

    I do hope Coreopsis Mercury Rising returns, but if it doesn't I would plant it again. It flowered all summer. It's as good as an annual for season long flowers. I will give a shout out for Coreopsis Full Moon. It's the best I have ever grown for a perennial coreopsis. It's in the left corner of the first photo and flowers non-stop from July to very end of the season. So it is still going strong after my June coreopsis have finished.

  15. wildthyme 12/20/2013

    Nancy, I really appreciate the semi-wildness of your garden. It looks as though the plants could have just arrived on their own (although I know that's not the case). And I can't believe no one has commented on the "shed." Once again I have shed-envy! Thank you, too, for including the comments with the photos; it makes it so much more enjoyable.

    BTW, I know exactly what you mean about learning to enjoy plants you used to eschew. I've learned to love junipers since moving to Montana, and just last night read the same comment in Laura Springen-Ogden's new book.

    Merry Christmas to all (thanks Jeff for the video & the poem . . . you obviously have too much time on your hands!)

  16. quinquek 12/20/2013

    So many great combinations, and while red is not a huge part of my color pallet, I think I may have to revisit that seeing how you've combined them. A lot to study and think about! And am I the only one who is lusting after the Chinese-style urn and slinky stand? Jeff, thanks for the poem. I'm kinda afraid to look at the video!

  17. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/20/2013

    Hi SisGof5,

    I am in zone 6B. Some sources would put me in zone 7, but I feel from experience that 6B is correct. I like this site for zone info:

  18. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/20/2013

    Thanks for the Rabdosia description Anne, and thanks for the zip zone site. It places me in zone 5B, but I think I am a solid 6 -although I garden like I am in zone 6B/7a, but I think that says more about me than the accuracy of the zone maps! :)
    And I did not mention how cool the red begonia looks with its fall companions!

  19. greengenes 12/20/2013

    What a great way to wakeup! Thanks Nancy for sending these great shots in so we can all enjoy!I enjoyed seeing a great d ifferent plant selection! I was just given a chunk of the lADY IN BLACK aster but I didn't know the name! thanks, now I do! I know what you mean about how are likes change on different plants. I have become rather fond of green and foliage plants after growing so many flowers..there are so many kinds of plants! You are having fun for sure! Have a good holiday!

  20. quinquek 12/20/2013

    Sorry, this is off the track, but I just visited the Spring post for Nancy's garden (lovely, just lovely!) and read the comments re. VoleBloc and chicken grit. Any final word on the chicken grit use? I'm overrun by the critters both in the kitchen garden and landscape. Thanks!

  21. terieLR 12/20/2013

    Hi Nancy, The garden & picture selection is beautiful. I'm with wGardens and will be pouring over these late tonight when time allows. Jeff, you just crack me up!

  22. tractor1 12/20/2013

    I am admiring that shed also, looks quite livable too. I like the Begonia 'Alba' with that oriental lantern, and what looks like a path amongst those large trees. Nancy, all your plant combos are superb and well tended, thank you or sharing.

    Sweet poetry, Jeff... and Happy Holiday Season to all.

  23. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/20/2013

    Hi Quinquek,

    That is an art object from Thailand, made from soapstone. I got that from my husband for Mother's Day in 2012. The man we bought if from travels to Thailand every year and searches for cool statues, lanterns etc. I have been trying to find his info, but can't locate any; just in case someone in my area wanted to go see his unique collection.

  24. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/20/2013

    Hi All,

    Thanks for all your kind words. It is so much fun sharing. I finally found my info on the lantern. Ben Stompler 443-386-8071 in Windsor Mill, MD. It is worth a trip to his place and wander around the field where he has all these treasures.

    Quinquek, is the damage occurring overwinter or during the gardening season?

  25. GrannyMay 12/20/2013

    Such beautiful and interesting colour combinations Nancy! You are so right that we change our likes over time - you have given me many more plants to have another look at. Especially love your Salvia vanhouttei and 'Redhead' coleus combo, and Bobo with Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum'. Lovely!

    Merry Christmas everyone! We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland of thick snow, which does NOT happen very often here, but certainly looks terrific for a while (usually it all melts pretty quickly). Jeff, you are special! Love the video and your poem.
    And hugs and laughter are truly the best medicine for everything!

  26. annek 12/20/2013

    Where to start? Nancy, your gardens and combinations are beyond beautiful. What talent and creativity you exhibit. I learned so much in reading your captions and like greengenes didn't know the name of my 'Lady in Black' aster till I read your info. Your photos just make me LONG for spring. I'll be visiting and revisiting again.

    treeman, you've outdone yourself...the dancing, the liz taylor eyes (really? they're not photoshopped?), and now the poetry??? Will the talents never end? You are a kick! (with your reference to horses, there was no pun intended...OK, maybe a little one :-)

    Merry Week-Before-Christmas to the GPOD Family.

  27. sheila_schultz 12/20/2013

    Nancy, like everyone else I've made a list of new plants I want to try and combos I need to put together come Spring. Your gardens just blow me away, you are one talented designer. Summer pictures are definitely needed!
    And Michelle... add Nancy's photos to my list suggestion for your GPOD presentation.
    Oh Jeff, you are definitely making sure we GPOD'rs get our share of laughter and virtual hugs. You've been holding out on us with your poetry, though... and just how did you know about my agaves???
    Have a wonderful weekend my gardening friends, and travel safely if you are heading out for the holidays. HoHoHo!

  28. tractor1 12/20/2013

    HelloFromMD: That's a wonderful lantern, I bet it can be a bird house too. Perhaps it good I don't live near where it's made or I can see myself becoming addicted.

    Yesterday Santa visited my two latest additions early, Kali & Barney.
    Wonderful toys:

    Very resasonably priced at

  29. quinquek 12/20/2013

    Nancy, the vole activity seems to be year round. Hoping the new cat starts to earn her keep!

  30. GrannyCC 12/21/2013

    Thank you Nancy for all the great photos. It was wonderful to see all the colour after we woke to very soggy snow today which all turned to mush. You have many very interesting plants that I don't know about so will have to do some research. I too like the garden shed.

    Thanks Jeff for the laugh this morning. However I don't seem to be able to get the video.

  31. cwheat000 12/21/2013

    Nancy, this is good stuff-wonderful combos, and wonderful and unique plants. Thank you for all the cultivar names. I enjoyed it all. I wish tntreeman's video would play on my tablet. Early Merry Christmas right back to ya.

  32. janeeliz 12/21/2013

    AWESOME garden , Nancy! So many stunning combinations from so many great plants! And your info. was so thorough. I look forward to seeing/hearing more of your garden.
    Love Jeff's poem, too! It's such a sweet Blog.
    Happy holidays all!

  33. northofthe49th 12/21/2013

    Another great garden! I love this blog - it's such a great way to begin the morning. I look forward to the garden photos as well as the comments. Merry Christmas to you all from the frozen north! (It was -28C this morning!)

  34. wGardens 12/22/2013

    Yes, Lovin' it this time around too! Great combinations of wonderful plants! That "Chadd's Ford" is just great! Thanks so much for posting these beautiful photos. I must put some of these plants on my list for next year.

    tntreeman... loved your poem. You are a man of many talents!!

    Best wishes to all for a wonderful weekend and weeks ahead. And for fabulous gardens next year!

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