Garden Photo of the Day

Christine’s first veggie garden in Quebec

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Christine Fitzgerald

Today’s photos are from Christine Fitzgerald. Christine says, “These are photos from my vegetable garden from Mont-Tremblant in Quebec, Canada. I am a new gardener and this was my first year growing vegetables.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Christine Fitzgerald

“I grew everything from eggplants to leeks. The lot is on a deer path and as you can see it is a wooded area. The garden is in Zone 4a and gets a little over 6 hours of direct sun, which is amazing given the number of trees.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Christine Fitzgerald

“The 6-foot-tall fence was key to keeping the deer and other critters out. This summer we had hot and humid weather with little rain so watering the garden was a constant challenge. I am already making plans for next year and hope to try my hand at growing some heirloom tomatoes.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Christine Fitzgerald

Wow, Christine, for a first time effort, you are a smashing success! I can’t wait to see what you do next year!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Christine Fitzgerald

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View 13 comments


  1. jagardener 11/12/2012

    Grow what you eat, Eat what you grow certainly applies to you. I hope beginner's luck will follow you.

  2. pattyspencer 11/12/2012

    I'm gonna echo Michelle's words - WOW! And I too can't wait to see what you accomplish next year.

    I noticed how dark your soil is - what type is it? Did you amend it with manure and compost?

    Reason I'm asking about soil is that I think part of my problem is that my soil is tired (it's been in the same plot for probably 20 years now) I'm wondering if I need to take it all out and put fresh stuff in.

  3. user-7006944 11/12/2012

    How did you do it? I live near you in St-Adolphe-d'Howard. That is my 6th year of gardening here and the only good season I had was last year. This year, I only got a few of everything that I had sowed. I didn't even get butternut squash. It is really frustrating especially when you're trying to get enough vegetables for the winter. Hoping that next year will be better as I have been hoping since I arrived here in 2007.

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/12/2012

    Christine, that's certainly a very impressive looking bounty....seems like you and Mother are a successful team...Although, after rereading the challenges of your weather conditions during the growing season, it seems more like Mother Nature was testing your commitment to this endeavor.Congrats, you passed and have the harvest to prove it!

  5. annek 11/12/2012

    Great garden! And the collage of photos recording your bounty said it all!

  6. tractor1 11/12/2012

    Oh, my... Chistine is on her way to becoming a Jolly Green Farmer. What a terrific crop, love your collage. The birds will enjoy your sunflowers. Perhaps you'll consider clearing some of those trees to let in more sun. Thnank you for sharing, Christine.

    My gardening is about finished for this year, winter is around the corner. My back yard after the last mowing of the season; shows my veggie garden all harvested, my new fenced-in Acer griseum is doing well, one of the gingkos I planted, two young London Plane trees I planted ten years ago as bare root seedlings, a young weeping copper leaf beech, another new Fat Albert Colorado blue spruce, etc.:

    Sorry, it's already rented:

    That's better, head for your woods:

    Newt, my feral barn cat on the prowl:

    My Jilly, what a ham:

    Tha, tha, tha, that's all folks:

  7. sheila_schultz 11/12/2012

    Your collage is poster worthy! Yum!!!

  8. Jarna 11/12/2012

    Christine I usually lurk on here and this my be my first time commenting on a day's posting but I feel compelled to do so. You must have done your homework and did a tremendous amount of planning and "groundwork" to have such a successful first garden. It has taken me 20 years to get my garden to the point where I have the beds and fencing to where they are up to the task, and they still need tweaking. I can see that the fence is well braced at the corners, and you have great gate doors. I am always interested to see what people use for raised beds for veggies and I like what you have. For my own garden I used vinyl fence boards, which have held up will but aren't the most attractive.
    I too can't wait to see what you can accomplish in the future. Keep up the good work!

  9. pattyspencer 11/12/2012

    Tractor1 - Love - love - love your photos today.

    I can't believe how neat and clean and uncluttered your land looks - I would love just my back yard to look as nice.

  10. MichelleGervais 11/12/2012

    LOVE the pics, Tractor1! Can you just go ahead and give us a photo of your cats every day? Especially the sleeping ones. Dreamy! :-)

  11. tractor1 11/12/2012

    pattyspencer: I like lots of open space inside and out. I abhor clutter. And I'm not an accumulator, if I don't need something I toss it in the trash. Outdoor I don't like plants all crowded together, I have the woods for that.
    Michelle, I will try to post more cat pictures.
    I'm glad you both liked my pictures.

  12. tractor1 11/13/2012

    I've been kind of busy today so I didn't have time to stir the FG pot. The weather was good, about 65 deg so I took advantage by attempting to power wash the little rental cottage I have on my property (still available if anyone needs a nice place in The Catskills). It really wasn't a great day as by 3 PM the temperature dropped down to about 45 degs, there was no sun all day, and was windy. But I perservered and was able to wash the front and one side, the north and west sides were covered with the most mildew... the north side (front) never gets any sun and the west side only has a narrow walkway between the detached garage, no sun in there either, but I digress. A few weeks ago I finally broke down and bought a power washer, should have bought one years ago. I did a lot of thinking before deciding on an electric model, I already have enough fueled motors to care for, and I really didn't need one with commercial power and a mile high price. So I ordered this, works great and has all the good features, such as two soap tanks, rolls about easy, and like many others that stand upright this one has a low profile so won't tip over. Anyone needs a power washer I can recommend this:
    I worked for three hours and would have finished the job but it got too cold to deal with the wind and cold spray on my glasses... it was actuallay fun seeing how nicely the schmutz peeled away. Next opportunity I will finish and tackle my house, but with the weather forecast that could well be after this winter. I'm extremely pleased with this little machine... they make a smaller model but I think this larger one is the much better choice. This is the company's web site, but they don't sell there, Amazon has a good price and free shipping:
    I did enough today, was a good Veteran's Day.

  13. CatChaletdesanges 11/13/2012

    Thanks so much for your incredibly encouraging feedback - I am overwhelmed!

    My soil was new and brought in by truck so I did not amend it with compost or manure. It took me a while to figure out how much to water the garden which was a lot as we had such a hot, dry, humid summer. My garden is not close to the house so I had to buy a 100 foot hose which I attached to a 50 foot hose.

    The turnips were my biggest surprise - they were amazingly sweet and so much better tasting than what you buy in stores. The Swiss Chard was stunning in its beauty. I ate my last tomatoes last weekend.

    I can't wait until next year!

    Christine at Chalet des anges

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