Garden Photo of the Day

Barb’s garden in Wisconsin, revisited

'Red Sentinel' crabapple Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid

Good morning everyone! First order of business–the winner of last week’s Thanksgiving book giveaway, chosen at random by our web producer Antonio (“Tony, pick a number between 1 and 22, will you?”) is none other than Kate Humes, whose garden we featured last Thursday and Friday! Congrats, Kate! After Kate picks the book she wants, I’ll post what’s left and we’ll start all over again with the book giveaway. Keep digging up those photos!

Clematis ‘Comtesse de Bouchard’ and Asiatic lilies
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid

And now back to the gardens. Today’s photos are from Barb Herreid in Wisconsin. We last saw Barb’s garden back in February (refresh your memory HERE), when we saw photos from her 2011 season.

Bananas, begonia and Papyrus ‘Little Tut’
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid

Now she’s showing us what happened in her garden in 2012. She says, “Here are some photos from this year’s garden. We had extreme drought here this summer in central Wisconsin so I hope it doesn’t lead to a poor garden next year!”

Me too, Barb. Your garden is, yet again, lush and beautiful! Thanks for updating us.

Tropicals and annuals in containers alongside the pondless waterfall
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid
Elephant ear, variegated ginger, and sweet potato vines in container at top of waterfall, next to Cotinus on the left
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid
Annuals in containers on front doorstep including browallia, angel wing begonia and New Guinea impatiens
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid
View alongside the garage; includes blackberry lily, lady’s mantle, ajuga, hostas, and corydalis.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid
Yellow lady slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum)
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Barb Herreid

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  1. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/27/2012

    Love that water feature. How long have you had your lady slipper? I've tried several times but they quickly peter out. Trying again with a frosch hybrid to see if I can keep it alive!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/27/2012

    What a cheery sight that blue toned,lived in birdhouse makes as it hangs in the crab apple tree...just looking at that picture made my day start out happy. Then to move on to the bloom filled clematis and be reminded of how glorious gardens are in spring and early summer...great images for a gloomy late fall day. Barb, looks like you're still doing a great job incorporating tropicals into your garden. They really do add a lot.

  3. Punkin65 11/27/2012

    Barb that waterfall is wonderful. How long did it take to construct and did you do it yourself. Keep up the good work.

  4. cwheat000 11/27/2012

    I have lady slipper envy, too. A squirrel got mine and a staghorn fern as well. When I get back to working on my shade garden, I will try again. They are one of my favorites. I only wish they were a tad more affordable. I also like your idea of using Rex begonias in a bed instead of a container. That purple/silver variety looks smashing in your shade garden. You created some fun tropical containers, also. Well done!

  5. tractor1 11/27/2012

    I have to agree that Barb's water feature has a very natural relaxed look, one of the best I've seen, nothing Disneyish about it. And that's a great lady slipper, looks like it's sent out a new shoot. All Barb's plants look lush and healthy, and I am most impressed with her steller photography, excellent compositions and spectacular clarity. The photo of her clematis is so vivid it makes me feel like I can walk right into it, even shows the grain of the landscape ties. I can tell that Barb put a lot of thought and effort into her picures, not just taken quick n' dirty as if to get it over with. Thank you, Barb.

  6. tractor1 11/27/2012

    I forgot to mention that Newt is now a lap cat and a big time purrer.

    I love Barb's Tiffany & Company blue birdhouse, and that crab apple tree bark is gorgeous.

  7. grdnldy 11/27/2012

    Hi, this is Barb - thanks for all the nice comments! The waterfall was installed to solve a problem - the bunnies kept eating/killing the spreading junipers that were in this spot. The slope was already there and my husband came up with the idea for the waterfall. Because we have pure sand for soil, we decided to have a landscaper do it for us. We were afraid the slope would collapse if we tried it. It took just a weekend to build it. We've really been happy with it and I love the sound of water running whether I'm in the yard gardening or having a beer on the patio next to it. I planted the Ladyslipper in the fall of 2011 and it bloomed the first spring - I felt like a new mom. They grow naturally in the wild in this part of the state so I'm hopeful that it will last for quite awhile; only time will tell.

  8. pattyspencer 11/28/2012

    Wow - a day behind! Beautiful - just copies that first pic for a wallpaper - the color combo of the blue bird house and pink flower is stunning

  9. passwords 12/01/2012

    I am also a big fan of the ladyslippers in WI. We lived there at one time and they grew naturally in our woods. We called it Ladyslipper Hill. Also, I am interested in those plant markers that you have. They look very durable. Wondering what they are made of and where you got them? Your garden is so lovely, especially the water feature. Thanks for sharing.

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