Garden Photo of the Day

A garden in the treetops

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

I took a tour of Charleston, South Carolina, gardens several years ago, and amidst all the gorgeous, timeless gardens I saw, this scene may have captivated me most. It brings to mind warm, gentle breezes blowing through the curtains and lazy, sunny mornings. I also love the mix of this stately old home and the rustic arbor over the second-floor doorways.

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  1. FAWNANNETTE 10/15/2010

    Love the idea of an second story balcony with an arbor plus a wall trellis. The double French doors onto the balcony must mean that this is a cherished outdoor space for the household. The balcony garden provides beauty and interest. The balcony railing is a protection for small children when those doors are open to breezes. Your title 'A garden in the treetops' is perfect. :-)

  2. sheilaschultz 10/15/2010

    This photo brings memories of the charming balconys in the French Quarter in New Orleans... all you need is a cafe au lait and a warm beignet and life is just about perfect.

  3. heresgreenie 10/16/2010

    aaaaaahhhh...gorgeously sweeeet!

  4. Stoatley 10/18/2010

    Yes, except apparently no one uses it -- there are no chairs!

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