Garden Photo of the Day

Anna Maria’s 4-year-old garden in New York

Today’s photos are from Anna Maria Muriqi. She says, “Here are a few photos of our backyard. My husband and I have been working on it tirelessly for the last four years since we bought the house.

We live in Westchester County in New York and when we moved here there was nothing but grass four feet high! It’s still a work in progress, and we absolutely love our little garden areas!”

So, so cute, Anna Maria! You’ve done a TON of work! We need to see more, more, more, please.

Keep sending in photos of your gardens, everyone!

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  1. perenniallycrazy 08/04/2014

    Happy to read about garden transformations this week at GPOD. Your young garden is looking so cozy and inviting Anna Maria. Make sure you enjoy your outdoor space all summer. Please share more photos, before and after if you have them, and relate to us your unique garden story.

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    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/05/2014

    It is a lot of work, but brings a lot of satisfaction, doesn't it? Nice work!

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    meander_michaele 08/05/2014

    It's fun to see the personal touches you've added, Anna Maria, like the colorful cute birdhouses that are adorning that expanse of brick wall.Looks like you are wisely making use of lushly filled container plantings also to give zing to areas. The ones surrounding your patio are real eye-catchers! I suspect you are already learning this but if you are infected with the gardening bug then no yard is ever really's always a "work in progress"...adding, subtracting, tweaking...that's all part of the fun!

  4. greengenes 08/05/2014

    Here, here! I totally agree with meander1 that a garden is a work in progress. Its never really done! It looks like you and your husband have been having a lot of fun! I see some more areas to be developed in the years to come! You have done a great job. Its always wonderful to see pictures and hear or see the before and after. We all must be in pretty good shape, well during the spring through fall at least! Well happy gardening Anna Marie! Thanks for sharing with us all!

  5. wittyone 08/05/2014

    Wow you have made such a good start! Looking around and seeing the work of your own hands gives a person such an incentive to do just a little bit more here and a little something else over there. Once the gardening bug gets hold of you it's a never ending process. You've done well to put in hardscaping at the beginning of your journey. It's hard not to jump in with plants, plants, plants but having the bones in to begin with makes it so much easier in the long run. I love the picket fence with the archway over the walk. It makes it seem so cozy and inviting.

  6. davsav 08/05/2014

    How beautiful! I too love the birdhouse display.

  7. sheila_schultz 08/05/2014

    So much color, so much fun! Yep... you've officially joined the gardening club Anna Maria! Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  8. schatzi 08/05/2014

    And not only is your garden lovely, your dog is too! I used to have an Alaskan malamute and she was a wonderful dog. Enjoy your garden and your pup.

  9. GrannyCC 08/05/2014

    Delightful! keep up the good work. Love the birdhouses and your patio area.

  10. grannieannie1 08/05/2014

    I like your bold, happy colors and especially the 4 hanging baskets of flowers around the patio.

  11. annamariamuriqi 08/05/2014

    Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I was so thrilled to see our little garden areas feature! My husband and I have been working on creating our own mosaic stepping stones for a path using all recycled materials :) when we get done I will be sure to send a pic again! I would like to add my husband has built by hand our white picket fence and Arbors himself, including the fence around our vegetable garden area, he uses all recycled woods! Thank you again Fine Gardening Magazine :)

    1. Meelianthus 08/05/2014

      WOW ! Your husband is great !! Beautiful Job.

    2. terieLR 08/06/2014

      Hi Anna Marie,
      I noticed your pickets and arbor right away. :) Hooray for helping husbands.
      Your gardens are looking great and you have good reason to be proud of all that was accomplished in only four years. I look forward to seeing the stepping stones in a future post. Happy Gardening.

  12. Meelianthus 08/05/2014

    Anna Maria ~ It is always so enjoyable to see someone who is really having fun in their gardens. You have made several charming spots and I love your entry gate/trellis (and the beautiful malamute). Your pots are wonderful too. Perhaps you will share your progress next summer also and thanks for sharing your hard work.

  13. GrannyMay 08/05/2014

    Sometimes it is better to start with a clean slate and no garden than have to change or undo what someone else has put in. Anna Maria, you and your husband have done a great job already! It is lovely and you are happy since you are building a place to suit yourselves, hard though it might be. Hope to see many more updates!

  14. kusotamama 08/06/2014

    It's really pleasant our life by such a beautiful scenery,thank you so much sharing photos!

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