Garden Photo of the Day

A Loved Garden is Never Done

A garden is never done, but always improving! Thanks Audrey Regnery for sharing your garden and the work you've done to it over the past three years!

"Our garden started many years ago it has been a veggie garden, a flower garden and a mixed garden.  When we moved here 3 years ago the garden was in terrible shape it had not been tended for a couple of years and the weeds were unbelievable.  I spend many hours weeding and changing its design.  What I have at the moment is a pathway that leads the curious into a maze of color and a surprise around every bend. This year was the second year for the perennials I put in, next year will be the best.  I am forever planting, new varieties of plants and trying to get the vision I want in my garden.  As you can see I am well on my way.  This June my Garden Club had their meeting here and spent 2 hours touring and enjoying, taking pictures.  I am very proud of my gardens they are almost there, but I am sure I will be changing and introducing new and beautiful species to the space.  My husband gave me a subscription of Fine Gardening for Christmas last year and I have throughly enjoyed reading it."

Keep sending in photos (and stories)! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and the story behind your garden to [email protected].

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View 15 comments


  1. VikkiVA 07/14/2015

    You have a beautiful setting for a garden. Love your variety of plants and all the color. You should be proud of all your hard work. I spotted those "black" hollyhocks. Love hollyhocks. Vikki in VA.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/14/2015

    Well, Audrey, your garden must have breathed a sigh of relief when it realized it had finally fallen into the hands of such a diligent caretaker who was willing to tackle those bully weeds! It had to be so fun and satisfying to have a "show and tell" with your fellow garden club members and receive the positive reinforcement that gardeners are so generous in expressing. All your plants look lush and healthy and delightfully abundant. Love all your enthusiasm for future plans.

  3. hostamom 07/14/2015

    I do like this style of gardening very much and you obviously have many different kinds of plants. Would you send FG some more photos, maybe of smaller groupings of the plants at a time. I have trouble identifying some of the plants. Thanks in advance

  4. sheila_schultz 07/14/2015

    Your home must be continuously filled with beautiful cut flowers, Audrey. No wonder your garden group stayed on for hours... so much to see and sniff!!! Lovely.

  5. lms062 07/14/2015

    It is always a work in progress. Lovely.

  6. ILfarmersdaughter 07/14/2015

    Very beautiful flowers along your walkway, and so many different varieties. Where are you located? Your hard work has paid off because I don't see a weed anywhere, just a lovely blend of color. Thank you for sharing and send in more pictures as your garden matures.

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 07/14/2015

    I love the riot of summer color, Audrey. It looks great. You are yet another contributor here who gardens with a scrumptious backdrop. Looks like you perhaps garden in Pennsylvania? I'm so glad that Vikki mentioned the black hollyhock: I missed it. That is one cool flower. Is it prone to rust?

  8. wGardens 07/14/2015

    Looks like you have a whole season of beauty to nurture and enjoy. Best wishes with your future plans. Do, please, send in more photos!

  9. User avater
    gringopeligroso 07/14/2015

    Love your country garden! We're doing a similar transformation here (NE Okla.) and your efforts give me hope and encouragement. It's nice to have elbow room! And, I'll wager you see a LOT of butterflies!! I've been fortunate enough to have experienced both postage stamp gardening on apartment terraces, as well as having rows and borders measured in meters. Both have their positive points and both have their negative issues. I really like how you've kept your pathways informal and perhaps even circuitous. Had I been there for the Meeting, you and your husband would've had to chase me and my camera out at sundown..."But, wait!! Just ONE more shot!!" Now: The weeds are winning here on some fronts so I'ld better get busy!!

  10. GrannyMay 07/14/2015

    Audrey it looks like you are well on your way to taming the jungle. How lovely to have a fenced garden, a greenhouse and such an amazing setting to work in.

  11. Cenepk10 07/14/2015

    Beautiful… making me very very jealous… My 3 year old garden looks nothing like that

  12. GrannyCC 07/14/2015

    What a wonderful garden for wandering in Audrey .Everything is so colourful and healthy looking you must have good soil. Keep up the good work

  13. perenniallycrazy 07/14/2015

    Thank you for sharing photos of your charming cottage and cutting garden! Please make sure you check in over the years as I have a feeling that the garden will be giving you so many beautiful flowers as the plants mature. Don't forget to have fun along the way.

  14. user-7007140 07/14/2015

    Hello Audrey, What a welcoming picture as I logged in today - all your beautiful flowers in the sunshine. Your garden is remarkably mature after only three years, Looke at all the photos at least four times and then found the black hollyhock, too. This is the first time I have seen one and it is very dramatic. No wonder your Garden Club enjoyed their visit with so many photo opportunities in front of them. Truly lovely.

  15. foxglove12 07/15/2015

    A beautiful vision.

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