
How to Make a Bouquet

In four easy steps, you can create a pleasing, well-balanced floral display

Fine Gardening - Issue 132

1. Select sturdy, well-branched stems for the frame of the bouquet. Add the stems, one at a time, to your hand, turning the bunch a little as you add each stem, until you’re pleased with the general shape. Then trim all the stems to the proper length  before dropping them into the vase.


2. Add bold, focal flowers to the arrangement. The stems of these flowers tend to be thick, so it’s easier to insert them into the vase before it gets too full. Make sure the bold blooms are well distributed throughout the bouquet.

3. Give the bouquet height and outward movement by adding spiky flowers. For a large bouquet, you can use bulky spires, but for a smaller arrangement, bunches of tiny spires do the trick.

4. Fill in any holes in the bouquet. You can use wispy blooms or blousy, intricate blossoms. These gap fillers usually have thin, easily inserted stems and tend to add the most interesting elements to an arrangement.

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