Weed control - Fine Gardening

  • Video

    Getting Control of Insects, Weeds, and Diseases (Webinar)

    Insect pests, out-of-control diseases, and unrelenting weeds—these are the things that keep gardeners up at night. Most of us know that reaching for a spray bottle of toxic chemicals isn’t…

  • How-To

    35 Pest and Disease Remedies

    by Sharon Lovejoy   I’ve found that awareness and a quick response are two of the best allies against garden foes. By knowing my plants, as well as their pests and…

  • Article

    Setting the Record Straight on Glyphosate

    Every summer, I pull weeds from the gravel under our deck, and last summer was no exception. First, I pulled the big weeds, then I began pulling the smaller ones.…

  • How-To

    10 Chores That Can’t Wait at the Start of Gardening Season

    Winter is waning, and you can’t wait to get outside. But before you get caught up in buying new plants and moving things around, take some time to do some…

  • Article

    Time-Saving Tips

    Whenever I hear of gardeners who spend hours a day in their gardens, I get insanely jealous. As a mom and wife with a full-time career, I’m lucky if I…