washington - Fine Gardening

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    A Front Bed Looking Its Best

    My name is Tatyana Searcy, and my garden is located on the Kitsap Peninsula in the state of Washington. It was previously featured on the GPOD (plus, my photos have…

  • Design

    Downsizing, but Not Giving Up Anything

    Today’s photos are of Gail Cortese's new garden. Having to downsize from a large, beloved garden is difficult, but these pictures make it clear that you can go from a…

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    From Snow to Summer

    Today we’re visiting the garden of Angela O’Brien-Ruff in Seattle and looking at some favorite moments in the garden through the seasons. The first photo Angela sent in is this…

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    Be a Garden Matchmaker

    Steven W., who gardens in western Washington State (Zone 8b) with his gardening partner, Sandy Lynch, sent in these images of some inspired plant combinations from his dreamy garden. If…

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    Like Fine Wine, This Garden Gets Better All the Time

    Today we’re visiting the garden of Steven W. We are located in western Washington, Zone 8b. We grow an eclectic garden of mostly flowers and shrubs. The garden is 40…

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    The Bittersweet Change From Summer to Fall

    Peggy Fox is a regular contributor to the GPOD, and she has just shared some wonderful images of her garden in autumn. This is Peggy Fox, in Gig Harbor, Washington.…

  • Design

    A Quiet Week in the Garden

    Janell Frazier-Day sent in these photos of her garden. She claimed, “It's one of those quiet weeks in the garden, before the roses and hydrangeas really take off,” but I…

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    A Day in Washington, D.C.

    This past weekend we had glorious autumn weather--cool and crisp, bright and sunny--azure skies were the backdrop to the russets, golds, scarlet and brown of autumn leaves. What better time…