ornamental onions - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    The Garden at Indian Wells

    Richard Roth of New York City is sharing images today of a garden he and his wife had to leave behind. Gardens are like life. Change is the one constant,…

  • Design

    A Banner Year in the Garden

    My name is Biyuan Yang, and I garden in northern New Jersey. I have shared pictures of my garden before (click here and here), and this year my garden is…

  • Article

    Flowers Fit for a Monarch

    Today we’re visiting Lynn DeSantis’s garden, where she has a lot of flowers that attract the attention of humans and butterflies. Stokes aster (Stokesia laevis, Zones 5–9), obedient plant (Physostegia…

  • Design

    More Time With the Color Green

    We’re back for a second day in Ruth Kenworthy Ecker’s beautiful garden in Wellesley, Massachusetts, enjoying her subtle garden design style with its emphasis on shades of green. A long…

  • Design

    A Garden Made by a Community

    Eric Sternfels has shared his beautiful home garden with us before, but today he's leading us to a beautiful and unusual public garden space. I am a leading garden designer…

  • Design

    Alliums All Season Long

    Deer resistant and dynamic, these bulbs provide color from the first showers of spring to the last leaves of fall