orange in the garden - Fine Gardening

  • Spanish poppy in full bloom.

    Orange Plants for a Warm Palette in the Garden

    Why do so many gardeners shy away from orange? I have always been drawn to its warmth and flexibility. Orange is a versatile color; even those who dislike it often…

  • bold colored plants

    Some Like It Hot

    Using hot colors in the landscape

  • garden inspired by english garden design

    Adapting English Elegance

    It took about five years and two road trips through England before Anne Campodonico was ready to start her garden. True, the Kentfield, California, mother of three wasn’t in a…

  • bold colorful plants in the garden, with shades of red, purple, yellow and chartreuse

    Design a Garden With Bold Colors

    As an amateur artist, I know that four is the number of hues I can use in a painting without it starting to look garish. The more colors you use…