Lavender (color) - Fine Gardening

  • bold colorful plants in the garden, with shades of red, purple, yellow and chartreuse

    Design a Garden With Bold Colors

    As an amateur artist, I know that four is the number of hues I can use in a painting without it starting to look garish. The more colors you use…

  • Design

    All About Growing Catmint – Plant Trial Results

    There’s something about catmint (Nepeta spp. and cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 3–8) that buoys my spirits. Whether it’s along a cobbled path in England or in the median planters that…

  • Meadow Rues

    Plant Trial Results: Meadow Rues

    One of my longtime favorite garden plants is lavender mist meadow rue. I love its dainty flowers and long-blooming nature, not to mention the fact that its handsome foliage remains…