japanese maples - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Fall in Renee’s Garden

    My name is Renee Minirth. This is fall in my garden. In Memphis, fall lasts into December. Sometimes it’s hard to find good fall color in Southern gardens, but I’ve…

  • Japanese maple

    Potential Sources of Trouble for Your Japanese Maple

    Although Japanese maples are generally easy-care plants, it is worth the effort to site them properly, monitor them regularly, and provide the best possible soil conditions. These precautions can help…

  • pruning japanese maples

    An Easy Approach to Pruning Japanese Maples

    The first trees appeared on earth about 400 million years ago, and they did just fine for many millennia before humans arrived on the scene. So before we get all…

  • Article

    Memories of a Northern Summer Garden

    Today we are visiting Mary Spaulding's garden. I submitted photos of my emerging spring gardens in May 2020 (click here). I'd like to share some photos of our July-August Zone…

  • perfectly shaped shrubs

    Where’s Cherry? Burchart Japanese Garden

    Cherry Ong, friend of the GPOD, has enjoyed traveling to wonderful gardens lately and sharing incredible photos with us, so we’re starting today what is going to be a semi-regular…

  • Design

    Autumn Colors in North Georgia

    Today we're visiting with Bonnie Plikaytis, who is sharing the beauties of her garden at the end of the season. Here are a few photos of some of the autumn…

  • Design

    Spring in Dallas

    Today we’re heading to Dallas to visit with Cindy Bolz. You have shown my photos before (Collecting Japanese Maples). My garden is always a work in progress, changing and evolving…

  • Design

    Beauties in Debbie’s Garden

    Today’s photos come from Debbie Folton. The stunning ginger above is a variety of Curcuma. The rhizomes of one species of curcuma is the source of the spice tumeric, and…

  • Design

    Shrubs for High-Impact, Low-Work Gardening

    Elle Ronis sent in a lot of terrific photos of her garden. (See a previous post of her garden here.) After looking through them, I wanted to feature her incredible…

  • Design

    Collecting Japanese Maples

    Welcome to Cindy Bolz's Dallas garden. I began this garden in 2001. The yard was a blank slate of lawn with four pecan trees shading the area from noon on.…