Herb Garden - Fine Gardening
Winter Herb Gardening: Easy Herbs to Grow in a Cold Frame
Cold frames are a great way to get a jump-start on or extend the gardening season. An easy way to get started with cold-frame growing is to put it to…
How to Thin Herb Seedlings
Growing herbs from seed is an incredibly rewarding and inexpensive way to savor homegrown flavor fresh from your garden. Getting the seeds to sprout is generally the easiest step. However,…
6 Tips to Successfully Grow Herbs Inside Year-Round
If you want to enjoy regular flavor in your kitchen anytime and at a moment’s notice, you can grow herbs inside all year long. Here are a few tips for…
8 Great Herbs Easily Grown from Seed
Herbs are powerful plants. Just the thought of picking fresh rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus spp. and cvs., Zones 8–10) or basil (Ocimum basilicum spp. and cvs., annual) can awaken our sense…
Episode 115: Underrated Herbs
We all know and love parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. And then there’s sweet basil, which is perhaps the queen of all the herbs. But what about those herbs that…
Art’s Creative Way to Enjoy the Garden
Today we’re visiting with Art in Ada, Michigan, who has found a beautiful and unusual way to enjoy the bounty of the garden. There was a time when I had…
A Garden Around a 280-Year-Old Home
Hello, Fine Gardening. It’s Jojo again (Jojo's Lancaster Garden), and do I have a phenomenal flower tour for you! The apple does not fall far from the tree. I learned…
The “Herban” Life
Today’s photos are from Mika (catch her on Instagram @theherbanlife_), who grows a lot of food on a small lot in Jacksonville, Florida. My story is very simple. I am…
Storage Shed With a Green Roof
Today we’re visiting with Hylton Jolliffe to see a cool new project. We've got a smallish urban garden in Jamaica Plain, a wonderful neighborhood of Boston. With space at a…
Herbal Dessert Recipes
As chefs, lecturers, writers, and consultants on the herbal arts, we are always encouraging people to use herbs in both traditional and innovative ways. Several years ago, we embarked upon…