Garden Makeover - Fine Gardening
Planting Plan for a Mature Garden Makeover
In the article How to Make Changes to a Mature Garden, Laura Trowbridge explains how her long border acquired its present appearance: "It was a difficult decision, but last spring…
Lockdown Garden Makeover
Today we’re seeing the garden makeover Lynne did during the COVID lockdown. Up until this last year the most gardening I had ever done was mowing the grass and pulling…
Garden Transformations: Before and After
There is something about a ‘before’ shot that makes the ‘after’ shot even more rewarding!
A Tiny Courtyard Garden Makeover
This once-neglected patio gets a lively lift thanks to a few designer tricks
Transforming a Barren Backyard
Berms and a dry streambed change the terrain from flat to rolling