garden maintenance - Fine Gardening
Social Media Gardening Tips and Tricks to Avoid
If your feed is anything like mine, you get a constant stream of newsy horticultural information every time you look at your phone. Many of these articles, memes, and posts…
Novel Garden Tools to Get Excited About This Year
For at least 12,000 years, humans have been clearing brush, digging dirt, planting plants, cultivating, weeding, growing, and harvesting—in a word, gardening! And for almost as long, these same humans…
Reader Tips for Simplifying Early Spring Chores
Here’s the scoop on top-dressing I prefer to top-dress my flower beds while my perennials are napping safely underground, but I often find myself doing this while the plants are…
5 Easy Ways to Test Your Garden Soil pH at Home
Most people know that soil pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline your soil is. Soils naturally have a wide range of pH values, with most ranging from…
Tips for Preparing Your Garden to Thrive Through Summer Heat in NorCal
As summer approaches it will bring with it long and sunny days, increasingly warmer temperatures, and scorching conditions that can tip our region into heatwave territory. Here on the Pacific…
4 Easy Ways to Improve the Look of Your Garden
Your garden designs are put to the test throughout the growing season. Even when you are in the thick of the midseason rush, it is worth taking time to assess…
Kitchen Gardening
Essentials Tools for Your Veggie Garden
Gardening season is here! Now is the time to get out your garden gloves and tackle your veggie garden needs. Planting, mulching, and general tending are on the calendar, and…
Dividing Perennial Grasses
As we head into early spring weather and our perennial, ornamental grasses start to show new growth, this is the ideal time to divide these plants. Division of grasses, and…
Gardening Advice for Summer
Winning tip: Keep those doors open My work-shed doors are spring loaded to help keep them closed. The problem was keeping them open when I was moving a mower or…
This Handy Tool Makes Garden Maintenance a Snap
By far and away, the 20-gallon recycled tubtrug from Gardener’s Supply is one of my favorite garden tools. I have owned three of these heavy-duty tubtrugs for decades. They have…