Garden Design Advice - Fine Gardening

  • garden color advice

    Expert Design Advice: Color Can Make or Break Your Garden

    Most people don’t want a garden that looks like a crayon box exploded, with every color under the sun scattered about and no rhyme or reason to the design. Yet…

  • path lined with plants leading to a chair

    Hardworking Hardscape

    If I had a gardening time machine, I would use it to return to the day I started my garden. Instead of going to the nursery and getting a trunkful…

  • bold colorful plants in the garden, with shades of red, purple, yellow and chartreuse

    Design a Garden With Bold Colors

    As an amateur artist, I know that four is the number of hues I can use in a painting without it starting to look garish. The more colors you use…

  • Miss Willmott’s ghost and ‘El Nino’ hosta

    Create a Garden with Cohesiveness

    Have you ever noticed that the best gardens have a seamless continuity? These spaces, which are often featured in gardening books and magazines, always seem to flow together beautifully because…

  • Design

    Tips to Design a Low-Maintenance Garden

    Three great ways to decrease chores and increase enjoyment of your landscape