clematis - Fine Gardening
Shopping-List Plants for the Mid-Atlantic
If you’ve run into a garden rut, we’ve got you covered. It’s time to start planning for your first trip to the local nursery or garden center. What plants will…
An Easy Approach to Clematis Pruning
As gardeners look forward to the joys of spring, we often turn to pruning to exercise our green thumbs. Knowing when and how to prune clematis (Clematis spp. and cvs.,…
The Best Bush Clematis for Northern California
There is extraordinary diversity within Clematis, including an outstanding array of growth habits, foliage types, flower colors, and bloom sizes to marvel at. But go beyond the tried-and-true familiars to…
Last Summer in Joan’s Garden
Today we’re in Weymouth, Massachusetts, enjoying photos from Joan Cogliano’s garden from last summer. The classic climbing rose, ‘New Dawn’, has blush-pink blooms that repeat all summer on a nicely…
Lynne’s Garden in New Zealand
My name is Lynne Leslie, and I live on a hill (although my garden is on flat ground) in Wellington, New Zealand, which is termed the windiest city in the…
Seasons in Lyle’s Garden
My name is Lyle Johnson. I have been gardening on a 60-foot by 180-foot city lot in Galesburg, Illinois, for a little more than 30 years. Over that time the…
Seasons in a Montana Garden
Today’s photos are from Kielian Dewitt. I have gardened in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana (Zone 5b, except when it’s Zone 4) for 15 years. This spring, I thought it…
Memories of a Northern Summer Garden
Today we are visiting Mary Spaulding's garden. I submitted photos of my emerging spring gardens in May 2020 (click here). I'd like to share some photos of our July-August Zone…
Episode 78: Best Clematis
Truth be told, Steve and Danielle don’t grow many clematis. But over their many, many years at Fine Gardening, they’ve researched and written a lot about this genus. In doing…
Summer Blooms in Canada
Today we’re in Sweaburg, Ontario, visiting Alice Fleurkens and her beautiful garden. We’ve been here before; check out some previous posts: Highlights from an Ontario Garden and Fall to Winter…