Podcast: Let's Argue About Plants

Episode 78: Best Clematis

There’s more to these vines than just big blooms

Video by Danielle Sherry and Steve Aitken. Edited by Kara Demos.

Truth be told, Steve and Danielle don’t grow many clematis. But over their many, many years at Fine Gardening, they’ve researched and written a lot about this genus. In doing so, they’ve formed strong opinions about the species and cultivars that are truly top-notch. Their picks may not include the huge, in-your-face star-flower-types folks first think of when they hear “clematis.” Instead, our podcasting duo offers insight into selections that have unique habits or interesting flower colors and shapes. By the end of this episode you’ll come away wanting to try at least one of these gorgeous vines and wondering why you haven’t planted them before.


Expert testimony: Dan Long is the owner of Brushwood Nursery, which specializes in vines and climbers in Athens, Georgia.





‘Princess Diana’ clematis (Clematis ‘Princess Diana’, Zones 4–8)

Blue Angel clematis (C. ‘Blekitny Aniol’, Zones 4–9)

Harlow Carr™ clematis (C. ‘Evipo004’, Zones 4–9)

Bush clematis (C. recta, Zones 3–9)

Princess Diana
‘Princess Diana’ clematis


Harlow Carr
Harlow Carr™ clematis


Blue Angel clematis
Blue Angel clematis


Bush cleamtis
Bush clematis



‘Betty Corning’ clematis (Clematis ‘Betty Corning’, Zones 3–9)

Pitcher’s clematis (Clematis pitcheri, Zones 4–9)

‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ clematis (Clematis ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’, Zones 3–11)

‘Bill Mackenzie’ clematis (Clematis ‘Bill Mackenzie’, Zones 4–9)

Clematis 'betty corning'
‘Betty Corning’ clematis


clematis pitcheri
Pitcher’s clematis


Purpurea Plena Elegans
‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ clematis. Photo: Edith Malek


clematis bill mackenzie
‘Bill Mackenzie’ clematis



‘Arabella’ clematis (C. ‘Arabella’, Zones 4–9)

Cadmia clematis (C. cadmia, Zones 4–9)

‘Liberty’ clematis (C. ‘Liberty’, Zones 4–9)

‘Madame Julia Correvon’ clematis (C. viticella ‘Madame Julia Correvon’, Zones 4–9)

‘Mayleen’ clematis (C. montana var. rubens ‘Mayleen’, Zones 6–9)


Expert picks

Expert testimony: Dan Long is the owner of Brushwood Nursery in Athens, Georgia, which specializes in vines and climbers.

clematis montana mayleen
‘Mayleen’ clematis


clematis madame julia correvon
‘Madame Julia Correvon’ clematis


Clematis liberty
‘Liberty’ clematis


Clematis cadmia
Cadmia clematis


Clematis arabella
‘Arabella’ clematis



View 4 comments


  1. Maggieat11 01/12/2021

    Loved this. Thank you!

  2. markrey214 10/13/2021


    Nice podcast. Thank you for sharing ideas about clematis. more power and podcast.

  3. Soo1 04/19/2023

    I give Steve so much credit. I watched his face carefully and did not see him flinch once at that woman's mispronunciation of the word clematis.

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